MAL 50:22 | Page 18

In my considered view , Kenya has lost numerous branding opportunities ; one such case is the fact that the grand projects undertaken by Kenya over the last couple of years are totally lacking the ‘ Kenyan Soul ’. Many are heavily branded in Chinese - explicitly or implicitly . the present circumstances and future needs of the place . Branding should therefore be seen as a strategic management process that requires long-term involvement and commitment .

Managing A Nation ’ s Brand Matters !

By Irene Mbonge

If mention of Japan conjures up visions of tea ceremonies and bonsai plants , or if Germany triggers thoughts of BMW and Porsche automotives , the credit goes to the idea of a nation ’ s brand . How a country builds a brand image around itself and the quality of its offerings feed into each other . To create successful nation brands , countries must have an explicit self-concept of their culture .

The Concept of Nation Branding
Branding is as essential for a country as it is for a product or service . Just as consumers look for brands that they perceive good , so do travelers , business leaders , and people who look for a country to visit , invest in , and work in . Branding a country is so important that where people live , go for holidays , work in , educate their children , or even set up companies is dependent to a large extent on the associations they have for that particular country .
Indeed , due to branding - different countries have been associated with different things . Japan , for instance , is associated with good cars and electronic items , whereas Costa Rica is known for their coffee . In my opinion , the future of Kenya mainly depends on the associations people have with it , and those associations can be either positive or negative . The general impression of a country is essential as a source of national pride . Invariably , people source part of their own identity from the image of their country . Country branding is , therefore , a powerful tool that can be leveraged to differentiate Kenya from other countries and obtain a competitive advantage .
Central to understanding country branding is the idea that brands exist in the minds of consumers , as branding is comprised of emotional , intellectual , psychological , and physical aspects . Country branding is an extension of this to the physical and social environment of the place . It centers on people ’ s perceptions and images and puts them at the heart of constructed , orchestrated activities designed to shape the place and its future .
However , a place - unlike a product - does not begin from a zero base . Local communities , the built environment , cultural heritage , and infrastructure all form a constituent part of image and identity . In this regard , managing the country brand becomes an attempt to influence and treat those mental maps in a way that is favorable to

In my considered view , Kenya has lost numerous branding opportunities ; one such case is the fact that the grand projects undertaken by Kenya over the last couple of years are totally lacking the ‘ Kenyan Soul ’. Many are heavily branded in Chinese - explicitly or implicitly . the present circumstances and future needs of the place . Branding should therefore be seen as a strategic management process that requires long-term involvement and commitment .
Strategic country branding is about enhancing a country ’ s position in the global marketplace . It requires understanding its current strengths , weaknesses , the future opportunities and threats it faces . It also involves setting objectives , forming target groups , and developing an implementation plan . The process entails managing the factors that may affect tourists ’ and other interest groups ’ decisions , such as the country ’ s image , attractions , infrastructure , and people , and should involve government , citizens , and businesses .
Taking Stock
Owing to the need to improve its image , Kenya as a country initiated branding efforts through the formation of the Brand Kenya Board ( BKB ), a state corporation established in March 2008 . The Board ’ s mandate is to ensure an integrated national brand is created , harnessed , and sustained long-term .
The Board ’ s critical role is coordinating various initiatives to market the country to governments , the private sector , and other key stakeholders . Additionally , the Board also facilitates the creation and maintenance of the Kenyan Brand , intending to identify and distinguish Kenyan products , services , and concepts . Furthermore , the Board is tasked with undertaking initiatives to differentiate Kenya from the rest of Africa and improve international attention and goodwill towards Kenya .
BKB plays a leading role in Kenya ’ s
18 MAL50 / 22 ISSUE