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appears on the audit reports or business soundness reports . Teams perpetuate it silently and the champions of bad culture are known and feared if not revered . They get away with it easily and it can almost never be linked to the said individuals . Jesus was aware of this and it is recorded in Mathew 16:13-20 when he asked his disciples , “ Who do the people say I am ?” What do you mean ? Some may quip , is it not this same person that had gone round healing the sick , raising the dead and doing good ? Was it not obvious that his products and services were well known ?
Yes , you have a good business , quality products , amazing service but who do the people say your business is . Could it be your business is known for paying bribes ? Could it be your business is known for cutting corners ? Could it be your team is known as the lazy bunch ? Could it be your brand is associated with a lot of paperwork and vibe killer bureaucracy ? What is the nickname they have given your business brand and you as the entrepreneur or manager ? What is the silent perception your brand oozes that could harm your sustainability ?
It is now an open trade secret to have a well-oiled public relations structure and client or partners management practice but emphasis should also be put on this amorphous being called organizational culture . What adjectives do you desire your brand to be known for ? Can the same values be said of the organizational culture within your business ?
There are four tests we could take to ensure we diagnose and monitor organizational culture within our businesses .
Integrity Test
What is it that is done when no one is looking ? Can we do the same in a room full of witnesses ? Are we truthful , honest and do we take responsibility even for the most embarrassing of issues within our business ? Team leaders and members alike should be evaluated openly and secretly to ensure we have the right picture of what they present in the light and in the dark .
Justice Test
Are we what we say we are ? Are our standards and measures consistent in our service delivery ? Do we have price scales that are consistent and have no hidden charges ? Do we have restitution policies that are fair
to all parties ? Are our terms and conditions balanced for both the business and factor the rights of the customer ? When things go wrong as they sometimes do , can we be described as those that go beyond profits and restitute to our clients or partners ? And do we take fair action against those that harm the business brand even when they are team leaders or members ?
Compliance Checks
Can we pass the basic and mandatory compliance checks for godliness , cleanliness , quality , taxes , timely pays among others ? Can we stand behind our brand on how we treat the low cadre staff if made public ? How we treat creditors and debtors ? Can we openly share the financials we put in bids for public audit scrutiny ?
Leadership Moral Checks
Do we have a code for the morals your business leaders should uphold ? Does their moral display enhance or destroy your business brand ? How can we support good morals ? How can we rebuke and rehabilitate our leaders with bad morals ? How do they behave when angry , sad , happy , drunk , sober , under pressure and with no pressure ? The response or reactions by business leaders or teams contribute immensely on how the business brand is perceived and experienced .
Birthing good organizational culture takes more than reward and benefits policies . Good organizational culture starts by having deliberate , regular and continuous engagement with each team player in finding better ways to grow the brand . It is the essential gear without which a business ’ true north can never be found .
Lunani Joseph is a Technology & Governance Analyst . He is the Managing Director of Insynque Solutions a technology & value addition firm that helps her clients leverage on ICT to deliver on their mandate effectively and efficiently . He can be reached via email at : JLunani @ insynqueafrica . com ..