MAL 45/21 MAL45 | Page 43

HEALTH MATTERS to struggle until one day the doctor told me that my blood pressure might damage my organs and this scared me ! I was referred to a cardiologist who confirmed that I had hypertension after further examinations . I was referred to see a nutritionist and this was when I met Kepha and began my journey 10 years ago .
Gladys : Kepha , what are the dangers of excessive body fat ?
Kepha : We are worried about the body fat , because what is actually very dangerous is not the muscle but the excess body fat and especially when the fat accumulates around the abdomen . We calculate the Waist- Hip Ratio which assist us to understand where most of the body fat is located . When the excess body fat accumulates around the abdomen , it increases the risk of chronic diseases including diabetes , hypertension , hyperlipidemia , cancer etc . We should always ensure we maintain our body fat percentage within the recommended range .
Gladys : Now , let me hear from Nancy . Kepha mentioned that you were also struggling with constipation and you mentioned about fatigue . What other challenges were you struggling with ?
Nancy : Yeah . I had constipation , acidity and acid reflux . I used to work in the hotel industry and I remember Kepha came to our workplace for lifestyle sensitization . I decided to visit his office for consultation and to my surprise , he didn ’ t prescribe medication for heartburn , acidity reflux and constipation . He prescribed a personalized meal that helped me to get rid of these conditions . In fact , I had H-pyroli and was taking medication but after implementing the meal plan , I did away with all the medications .
Gladys : How soon after starting your journey with the nutritionist did you see the changes ?
Nancy : I experienced drastic improvement after one month and I stopped all the medications .
Gladys : Ahaa , interesting ! Kepha , you have something to say ?
Kepha : Most people with digestive disorders really struggle with weight loss as they slow down the rate of metabolism . With a slow metabolism , you might take the right foods , but most of the foods are usually converted into body fat which gets deposited around the abdomen . There are many ways you can use to know whether your waist circumference is within the recommended range . For instance , you can use a tape to measure your waist circumference and compare the measurements with the recommended range for men and women . The waist circumference for men should range between 69cm to 94cm while women should range between 60cm to 80cm . At times the weight might be normal but if the weight circumference is above the recommended range , you are still at risk of getting lifestyle diseases .
Gladys : Edward , you said you were borderline hypertensive which means you hadn ’ t gotten there but you were almost getting there . How soon after you had started seeing the nutritionist did you start reversing the trend ?
Edward : I started losing weight immediately and within the first month my blood pressure readings were back to normal . In fact , the cardiologist reduced my medication dosage because of the normal readings and I felt so well . Just like Nancy , I remember chronic fatigue used to put me down for a whole week and I didn ’ t know it was because of excessive weight gain .
Gladys : When you say it used to put you down , what do you mean ?
Edward : I would feel pain even after taking pain killers and I felt very exhausted and uncomfortable . In fact , I lack words to explain how I felt because even medication like pain killers didn ’ t make any difference . The only thing that assisted me was getting enough rest for almost a week .
Gladys : Mmh , Okay . Kepha ?
Kepha : Most overweight people tend to experience fatigue and have digestive disorders . It ’ s always important to work on the root-cause of these conditions . Unfortunately , most of the quick weight loss programs don ’ t focus on addressing the rootcause . They actually work on the smoke instead of the fire . At Crystal Consultants , we practice a holistic approach to health and wellness . We look at how all areas of your life are connected and our primary focus is to find out the underlying factors affecting your health . As we work together , we look at how different dimensions of your lifestyle affect your health as a whole . Through this approach we have successfully assisted many patients to lose weight and get rid of various medical conditions without medication . Some of these conditions include gastritis , irritable bowel syndrome ( IBS ),
MAL 45 / 21 ISSUE 41