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inputs , which interact to form the personal images that each consumer experiences . One type of input is physical stimuli from the outside environment while the other is the input provided by the individual in the form of certain preconceptions . Individual biases or preferences are based on beliefs , expectations , motivations , and learning related to previous experience .
Since each individual is a unique entity with different experiences , values , and expectations , it follows that the way different people perceive something is also distinct . This implies that reality is a personal experience for each person . This explains why two people can see the same thing and perceive it in a totally different way . Since consumers make choices based on their perceptions , marketers should focus on these in developing strategies and tactics . Knowledge of consumer perceptions empowers marketers to design effective communication campaigns that get attention , interest and memorability .
Given the influence of perception on consumer decision making , marketers need to understand the underlying forces that impact consumer response to various strategies and tactics . The consumer ’ s selection of stimuli to pay attention to from the environment is influenced by the interaction of expectations and motives with the stimulus itself .
These factors give rise to a number of important concepts concerning perception . Below are some concepts that help us get a better perspective of how perception impacts consumer decisions .
Sensory Input
Sensation is the response of the sensory organs to stimuli such as products , advertising or packaging . It depends a lot on the differentiation of input in relation to the environment .
In situations where there is a great deal of sensory input , the senses do not detect small intensities or differences in input . However , as sensory input decreases , the ability to detect changes in input or intensity increases to the point where we attain maximum sensitivity under conditions of minimal stimulation . For example , in a very quiet room , one can easily hear a pin drop , while in normal circumstances such a small thing would not be heard . This explains why there is greater attention to a black and white advertisement in a magazine with many multicolor advertisements . The element of contrast draws in customer attention .
Customer Expectations
Generally , we see what we expect to see . What we expect to see is influenced by our awareness or previous experiences . In marketing , people tend to perceive products and services attributes based on their expectations . If you are told by a friend that a certain new car brand is economical to run , you will be more likely to perceive the same . Similarly , a person who has heard that a brand of toothpaste has a bitter taste will probably perceive the taste to be bitter .
On the converse , advertisements that differ greatly from consumer expectations frequently get more attention than those that fit in with expectations . Many times , we see advertisers use images of beautiful women in situations where there is no obvious relevance with the aim of breaking the attention barrier . However , the risk in that approach is that the consumer might remember the beautiful lady and forget the brand .
Consumer Motives
Consumers generally tend to notice things they want or need more than those they have no desire for . They pay higher attention to stimuli that are relevant to their needs and interests . A person who is thirsty will naturally notice outlets and communications that align to his need . The perceptual process adjusts itself to the elements in the environment that closely match the individual ’ s interests . For this reason , marketers appreciate the value of targeting their products and services to consumers ’ perceived needs .
The identification of perceived consumer needs has many marketing applications . Marketers segment markets according to consumer ’ s motivation for purchase and proceed to develop different marketing strategies for each segment . This can be followed with varied advertising to match specific market segments . This is aimed at influencing consumers in each segment to perceive the product as meeting their own specific needs , wants and to align motives . Consumer research is useful in helping identify perceived consumer needs , interests and valued product attributes . Google ads are very much attuned to an individual ’ s prior search habits .
Perceptual Selection
The reason consumers actually receive or perceive only a small fraction of the stimuli to which they are exposed is because a person exercises selectivity in perception . The stimuli selected depends on two major factors in addition to the nature of the stimulus itself . These are the consumer ’ s previous experience and motives . The previous experiences affect the consumer expectations while motives influence needs , desires and interests . These two factors can serve to increase or decrease the probability that the product , service or advertisement will be perceived . Perceptual selectivity is what enables you to focus attention on what you need in a supermarket full of unrelated products .

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MAL 45 / 21 ISSUE