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ISP if they had a solution for mice . They told her that they would install metallic cables that the mice could not bite through . Without a second ’ s hesitation she asked this ISP to share with her what packages were available and how soon they could come to her house to fix it once she made the payment . “ Within 48 hours ,” they said .
She made the payment that Friday and true to their word , the ISP came to her house on the Monday morning and connected her to their service . 4 weeks later , she remained connected . Her previous ISP sent her a message telling her that her payment was due . She smiled .
Let us consider some statistics : Dissatisfied customers typically tell 9 to 15 other people about their experience ; some tell 20 or more ; It takes 12 positive customer experiences to make up for one negative experience ; Acquiring a new customer can cost five times more than retaining an existing customer .
There is a significant loss that Elizabeth ’ s previous ISP has suffered which will become apparent later . Elizabeth is in her
30s she could live for another 30 years . She paid approximately KES 6,500 per month for internet connectivity . Assuming this figure remains constant , that ’ s a loss of 6,500 * 12 * 30 = KES 2,340,000 . Doesn ’ t seem like much but she shared her frustration with 8 people who could have shared with another 8 and so on .
Being a product of social moulding Elizabeth dealt with her frustration by quietly walking away . Unless another customer goes through a similar experience as Elizabeth ’ s and they articulate their pain and frustration , this ISP will not know what they did wrong and how they could improve .
Elizabeth ’ s nature is the nature of many Kenyans . They will communicate a pain point with an expectation that the business in question will address it or at least try to do so . When they feel pushed to a wall , they will find an alternative .
These customers will leave a cue . Once it becomes clear that they are not being heard they will leave you for your competitor . For this reason , as a business operating in Kenya , it is imperative that you listen closely to customers . Listening to customers is critical no matter the environment a business operates in .
Some things businesses can do to better serve customers include :
● Have good systems and software in place to serve customers . This includes capturing , compiling , and acting on customer feedback .
● Cease-lessly train all staff about customer experience and service .
● Continuously research market and customer trends to ensure product-market fit .
● Ensure that the business ’ s core product works as it should ; and Listen , truly listen .
Then , we can all smile . Happy holidays ! ■
Marion Wakahe is a marketing professional who is passionate about business growth and sustainability and its role in peoples ’ empowerment . She is of the opinion that the marketing function is the primary driver of business growth . You can engage with her via email : MWakahe @ gmail . com .