MAL 41:21 | Page 64


Evolve And Get Elevated

By Frida Owinga

Whether we realize it or not we are evolving beings and we can choose to be intentional about it or wait for life to trigger us . I have enumerated here-under simple steps that I believe can help you evolve continuously .

Articulate your current Reality and your Preferred Reality
Many people are aware of what they have that they do not like and tend to focus on it with little or no attention to what they would prefer . Evolution begins when we acknowledge we are unhappy but are willing to make appropriate necessary changes to create a more ideal situation .
A simple matrix to gauge where one is and where they should be is having a matrix and I recommend a Happiness , Health and Wealth Matrix .
Happiness is a state of mind based on what you think about your current circumstances . What is stealing your joy currently and what are you willing to do to change it will determine your happiness .
Health is a state of wellbeing in your body , which is a result of what you eat , how you play and rest . Are you ok with your body weight , do you sleep and eat well ? There is only one of you and for you to perform at optimum you need to feel good to be able to do good .
Wealth is a state of how much you have to meet your obligations and operations versus how much you owe or need . You may not be where you would like to be and it starts with awareness and articulating what you prefer so that you can start creating it .
Align your Resources to achieve your preferred reality
Time : We all have 24 hours and the better we able to Invest our 24 hours in Tasks and activities that produce our preferred reality the more likely we will be happy , healthy and wealthy .
Talent : Leverage your strengths and delegate in areas of your weakness . Have a Success Team to grow your strengths and Support Team to do the tasks and activities that you are not good at whether at home or at work . What skills or knowledge do you need to create your preferred reality ? Be willing to ask for help and leverage your strengths . Network to find the appropriate people . There are various networks - professional , business , social impact , mentoring etc . Biashara Club is a professional business network . Participate in your WhatsApp group , connect with others and grow .
Tools : Use tools to help you manage your health , wealth and happiness . A Smartphone is no longer a luxury and having appropriate apps to keep you connected and help you track how you are doing are critical . Office 365 is my favorite as it comes with an AI PA , Cortana who reminds me of my meetings , schedules time to take breaks and read . iPhone tracks how much time I spend on social media and shuts off when I have done my allotted time for the day . You can finally have a PA who doesn ’ t forget !
Take Massive Action
Don ' t stop or wait until you have arrived at your articulated reality . Act on your personal priorities and urgencies . Pay attention to distractions and avoid engaging in emergencies that do not concern you .
Affirm what you want not what you have
Make a list of your negative affirmations based on your current reality and create a list of positive affirmations . Pay attention to your thoughts and words to ensure they align to creating what you want and not compounding what you have . Positive affirmations help you cultivate an attitude of gratitude which acts a catalyst to creating your preferred reality .
Access your ideal reality with vision boarding
Write down your preferred reality as if it has already happened in a notebook and journal progress weekly , monthly and quarterly . You can also create a board and post images of your preferred reality and hang it somewhere you can see often to keep you reminded of where you are going and not stuck where you are . A vision board is a visualization tool that helps you set clear aspirations and goals for your life so that you can grow and transform yourself into what you have planned . Write your articulated reality .
Avoid Evolution setbacks
Holding on to old thought patterns , people and places that do not add value to the creation of your preferred reality can be catastrophic . What you think will affect what you say and do and eventually become what you experience .
Frida Owinga is passionate about helping people thrive in life and at work whether employed or self- employed . She is the Founder , PassionProfit Limited . You can commune with her via mail at : Frida @ passiontoprofit . co .
62 MAL41 / 21 ISSUE