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Captive Marketing That Retains Your Clients

By Joe Nyutu

Safaricom Twende Tukiuke ad captures our minds as it comes from the word ‘ kiuka ’, with the action being ‘ tukiuke ’. When Safaricom say Twende Tukiuke it means ‘ let ’ s break barriers ’, ‘ go beyond the norm ’, ‘ take a leap ’. Safaricom is inviting you to go above and beyond for the life , community and country we all deserve , with Safaricom as the silent partner cheering you on .

Remember marketing in the digital information age is about more than just delivering the right message to the customer . In a time where relationships are the key to any company ’ s success , your brands need to find ways to engage and entertain their target audience .
One of the biggest things driving the change in today ’ s marketing and advertising strategies is the evolution of the ‘ captive audience ’. The traditional definition of ‘ captive audience ’ refers to someone who is forced to watch or listen to something because they have no other option . In days gone by , if you were sitting on a plane , and an advertisement appeared on the television screen in front of you , you ’ d have no option but to pay attention ( or attempt to block out the content ).
Notice thanks to smartphones , and internet connectivity , however , the conventional captive audience has become a dying breed . If your customer is not interested in what you have to offer , trust me , they have a zillion ways to drown your message out . In these times of digital transformation , your brands need to rediscover what they can use to captivate audiences through emotional connections and brand loyalty . If you want to connect with your customers today , you need to convince them that your words are worth listening to .
As mentioned earlier successful marketing is all about engaging your audience . You need to learn how to simultaneously capture and keep your audience ’ s attention if you want to convince them to act on your behalf . While revenue may come from the services and products you sell your clients , real value comes from the relationships you build with each customer .
According to Merriam Webster , a captive audience is a person or people unable to leave a specific place and therefore forced to pay attention to what ’ s being said . Now that customers have a way to escape any scenario through their smartphones , a locked door will not be enough to create a captive audience any more .
Imagine the modern captive audience is a selection of people who are engaged and enthralled by your brand , marketing , and products . These potential ambassadors for your company care about what you have to say for multiple reasons , such as : the customers appreciate you have the solution to one of their most significant problems , or that you can help them to improve their lives ; the customers feel an emotional connection to your brand based on shared values or ideals and know you can provide an experience they will not get some other place .
“ Over the last 20 years , we have always been a supporter and enabler of your dreams . Now the future is ours to create and Safaricom will always be there FOR YOU ,” says the Safaricom Twende Tukiuke ad message . This implies building customer loyalty through feelings of nostalgia : Safaricom has relied on making emotional connections with their customers since it was founded on October 23rd 2000 . The company has drawn attention to classic stories and ideas that customers connect with in their journey .
Captive audience marketing in the modern world means knowing where and how to connect with your customers . In a world where customers want to engage with the brands they buy from , storytelling is a fantastic way to create a captive audience , dedicated to your brand purpose . This calls for investing in multi-channel marketing .
How To Captivate An Audience With Incredible Content
May I remind you that one of the easiest ways to create a captive audience in today ’ s digital world is with the right content . Endeavor to prove to your customers that you can educate , entertain and enlighten them with the right blogs , videos , or podcasts , and you can rest assured that the clients will be hooked on your brand . After all , sticky content is the ultimate way to make sure that your leads keep coming back and interacting with your company over time . The more connections you make with your target customer , the more likely they are to become an ambassador for your business .
I have published and posted on YouTube over 80 videos on market leadership and branding as joe nyutu the last one year and
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