MAL 35:20 MAL35 | Page 54

The new normal now is everyone for himself, God for us all! Coronavirus will be remembered as one of the greatest social equalizers in the history of the world. Young chaps in some parts of Europe took things lightly and claimed it was an old peoples’ disease and then suddenly they tested positive and even babies have tested positive. Coronavirus is also the ultimate leadership test. When Donald Trump was elected president of the United States, few were prepared for what was to come. In the most abrasive and confrontational leadership that most people have ever seen anywhere in the world, Trump defied and indeed redefined the office of the president. He had names for anyone who crossed him be it a political opponent or a foreign leader. He sent out a clear message that it would always have to be his way or the highway and anyone who did not go his way was declared persona non grata. He bullied his way through everything. He bullied his way through all the republican candidates during the primaries putting them down and calling them names. He bullied his way through every potential scandal when he became the republican flag bearer. He bullied his way to the elections by speaking down on his opponent and encouraging his followers to do the same. He got elected and was sworn in and from day one, he has bullied his way through every other thing. The Russian scandal cropped up and again he bullied his way through it. His henchmen were jailed for different offences committed on his behalf but he just could not stop. The impeachment saga showed up and for once it seemed like he had been cornered. Surely there was no way he was going to bully his way through this one! Indeed he got impeached by the lower house, but then as expected got acquitted by the senate, the upper house. Then the bullying continued. At a prayer breakfast he came out bullying the speaker of the House of Representatives right in her presence. Could the bullying ever stop? It seemed like this was the new normal and everyone just had to get used to it to survive. And then came the most unexpected adversary from half way around the 52 MAL35/20 ISSUE While we practice social distancing and try our best to keep that distance between the haves and have-nots, the reality is that Coronavirus has bridged the social dis- tance gap created by the African elite in a manner that nothing else has ever been able to do. There is no private hospital for the rich and a different one for the poor. Things are so bad in a way that few on earth can fathom! world. It was not a person. It was not an army. It was not a country. It was a virus. Coronavirus showed up and no amount of bullying could tame the spread of the virus in the United States. No amount of propaganda could slow it down and no amount of speaking down at it could make it go away. It had come and it had revealed the cracks. It showed that the United States government was not ready and compared with other nations of the world, they actually lagged behind! Microsoft did will be challenged. He said that a young upstart would emerge and put them out of business overnight. Every leader and indeed every human being will have their Coronavirus moment. That moment where everything that you had done in the past is rendered obsolete and just cannot work anymore. It is that moment when old strategies suddenly become redundant. That moment when hopelessness runs roughshod over everyone. Are you ready for your Coronavirus moment? When your Coronavirus moment arrives, you will not be able to wish it away. China built a thousand bed hospital in days. It was the epic center of the virus and where it originated from but today they are also taking the praise for how they handled it. They were ready for their Coronavirus moment. Every ones’ Coronavirus moment comes in the form of pressure. Contrary to what people may think, pressure is not an enemy. It is an ally. Pressure comes to reveal the strength of the foundation and it comes to take us to the next level. Everyone has a next level and it is not possible to get there without pressure. The effect of pressure on you will however reveal your preparedness. How does one prepare for pressure you may ask? Being aware that a day will come when the things you believe and the things that you have done will be challenged is the first step. The world is moving at an alarming rate. We therefore cannot be permanently stuck to old methods and practices. Bill Gates wrote in his book, Business At The Speed Of Thought that a day will come when everything that This is what I call healthy paranoia. All you know today is not all you need to know. A company is making a bullet right now with your company name on it. How ready are you for that? There is no advantage in riding a dead horse. If the horse you are riding is dead, then get off. Don’t set up a commission to look into dead horses. There is no throne without overcoming Goliath. There is no testimony without a test and neither is there a message without a mess. Build capacity against your Coronavirus moment. Build capacity to deliver what you have built capacity for. This is not a play on words. Many build capacity but in the day of trouble they do not know how to effectively deliver what they built capacity for and hence they get stuck like people who did not build capacity to start with. Everyone will one day face what Trump is facing with Coronavirus twist. Will you be ready? Remember, it is the day when all that worked for you before will not work anymore. Similarly for years we have spoken with leaders all over the world that they needed