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and border entry points that have seen virtual lockdown and curfew imposed. One can only imagine the catastrophic effect that an outbreak of Coronavirus would have presently due to our limited capacity to locally produce essential medical supplies, and our unplanned, congested and despicable urban settlements. Finally, the country’s growing population needs to have adequate food supply that is also nutritious to promote healthy living that can support development of a healthy economy. Agriculture was once the backbone of the Kenyan economy. While its significance cannot be overemphasized, agriculture accounts for 30% of the GDP and a further 65% of Kenya’s exports, and yet many Kenyans still lack access to healthy foods. To achieve 100% Universal Health Care, Kenya must not only feed itself, but feed itself well to ensure the citizenry do not slide to poor health on the premise of deficiency in essential nutrients. The most urgent thing the government must do is to acceler- ate and help scale up the manufacturing sector by promoting development of local industries that man- ufacture drugs and provision of an en- abling environment to support growth of existing small man- ufacturers to boost their local output. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), ensuring optimum nutrition at each stage of a person’s life is the foundation of attaining universal health coverage. WHO further states that nutrition is the foundation for health and well-being as a key element of primary health care playing an essential role in prevention, which is better than cure. If advancements can be made in the pillars of manufacturing, food security and affordable housing, all Kenyans will be able to receive affordable health care without the risk of financial catastrophe. In order to ensure that quality healthcare services are being offered to Kenyans, the government must accelerate Kenya’s intentions of being a globally competitive and prosperous nation. However, attaining Universal Health Care will entail deliberately advancing all key pillars of the Big Four Agenda owing to the delicate inter-dependency of each. The writer is a healthcare and management consultant. You can commune with him on this or related matters via email at: Gordon@