MAL 35:20 MAL35 | Page 98

Trump is even on record as stating that if a hundred thousand Americans died of corona virus he would have done a great job. He is actually hedging his bet on the lives of Americans and hoping he wins the bet even at a colossal cost to human life. We are puzzled as to why the US is not taking its cues from its arch ally Israel who locked their country from international travel which at the time seemed like an extreme measure but which now looks like a well thought out preventive measure. For Israel, every Israeli counts and they are trying to minimize human cost as they battle to find a cure and a way where the new cases will not overwhelm the system and lead to unnecessary deaths. Israelis and Arabs are united against the virus. This all happened even though the country had no government and a seemingly unbreakable stalemate in the formation of a government was playing out. But the system works and it was possible to override politics and have safety measures in place. The United Kingdom seems to have been playing a wait and see game given that its key ally the US was dilly dallying with the virus and failing to take a definitive stand but the UK had its own peculiar problems to deal with and was hoping the virus would pass over. They are still embroiled in an untidy Brexit which has had a larger than expected toll on the country and before they could take Wuhan will be etched in infamy as the source of the first real glob- al crisis where the dreaded corona vi- rus surfaced from and created such an amazing social upheaval of a scale never witnessed be- fore and it was like a bad movie playing on a far off screen. 96 MAL35/20 ISSUE Never before has the world been in so great a need of concerted effort to de- feat a common foe yet all we are seeing is a resurgence of insular thinking and ex- clusion. Never in our existence have we been in such a dire need of a visionary leader! further steps in their self-inflicted tragedy the corona was upon them exacting a harsher penalty, a rare reminder that we are all connected. Unfortunately for them the prime minister has tested positive to the virus bringing home the undeniable fact all are vulnerable and you can still catch the virus even when one is being prudent and vigilant and hence the need for social distancing. No need here to even talk about Italy and Spain which are experiencing the brunt of the virus mainly due to the fact that their cultures encourage close contact and group activities that have militated against efforts to put the virus under control. In Africa we have a multiplicity of approaches all meant to eliminate this same threat. Noteworthy is South Africa which had to lock down after corona parties became the rave not unlike the chaos caused by spring breakers in Florida including corona challenges. In East Africa with our claim to attempting to rebuild the East African Community, we still do not have a common approach to handling a common problem despite our proximity. Sense would dictate that pooling our knowledge and scarce resources would mitigate the effects of the virus. In Kenya you would imagine that the kind of fervor that was kindled by the BBI initiative would easily translate into action against a real threat, the virus, instead of wasting resources and time to achieve the ephemeral outcome of the BBI. Ochieng comes back to the question that he raised earlier, why are we reinventing the wheel when there is a game plan in Wuhan that worked and brought the pandemic under control. Why is the world shying away from a Chinese solution? Could it be that the world does not trust the Chinese and the way they have comported themselves in the crisis suggests that they have not been open enough and did not share crucial information that would have stemmed the spread of the disease? Is the world uncomfortable with the fact that the Chinese seem poised to make a killing out of this crisis while the rest of the world is on a meltdown? Why are we not seeing a replay of the amazing feat of building a full-fledged hospital in a record ten days anywhere else in the world? Are political considerations and positioning and of course the ego factor that goes with it of more importance than the saving of lives? Is the fear of a Chinese dominance large enough to make us fear the solution more than the problem? The last word is that a world exam on cooperation was set in Wuhan and we are all sitting the exam and unfortunately the marking scheme will be written in human cost whatever the numbers eventually tally up to and the final verdict will be posted in history. Never before has the world been in so great a need of concerted effort to defeat a common foe yet all we are seeing is a resurgence of insular thinking and exclusion. Never in our existence have we been in such a dire need of a visionary leader!