that their page said they are a purely online
store could be so interested in me. This
struck me as a thorough understanding of
a customer’s state of mind.
The next day, he called me back. We had
a conversation about the 25% discount
voucher and what I could use it on. I now
had real questions to ask the young man.
As expected, he opened by stating that he
called back today to draw my attention
to the discount voucher that the store
emailed to me.
After some ice breakers about how
‘everyone’ had complimented me for the
shoes, I asked him how he was able to
understand my purchase habits and why
he called me back. He told me about a tool
that his brother from IT school is testing
which can track a customer’s purchase
decision. It follows a customer online,
much like remarketing. From the moment
I clicked on their sponsored post, they
were tracking me.
He told me they were able to track my style
of shoe, the colors I was interested in, the
price point I was looking for, and the speed
at which I made a purchase decision. He
told me it was a minute and a half in total.
Clearly points to an impulse purchase as
I was a unique user and I didn’t drop off
their site to check out other pages. He
then used the words, “Your ‘body language’
was precise. You knew exactly what you
wanted. If you walked into our store, you
would be the kind of customer who would
sit on the bench, ask for shoes size 8, try
08 MAL30/19 ISSUE
We have said
over the years
and learnt that
non-verbal cues
communicate just
as much as spo-
ken word. Under-
standing digital
can help many or-
ganizations learn
what their pros-
want before they
even connect, en-
abling them to
deliver even more
value once they
do. Mobile tech-
nology allows us
to do this easily,
quickly and effi-
them on and walk out in them.” I didn’t
even know I had an online body language!
This was all true for this particular
purchase. I also thought to myself that I do
not always have a ‘precise body language’
when I shop online. Sometimes it could
be undecided, other times unfamiliar and
other times lacking in trust. I can visit one
page over and over again, then over again,
and not buy anything from that page, or
eventually buy something I should have
bought 2 weeks ago.
I was however quite intrigued by this
‘digital body language’ discovery that I
have been tracking my own digital body
language since. This is quite essential in
building an accurate platform or database
that can explore the moods, behaviors and
emotions of customers without serving
them ads based on what we think they
The 25% discount on my next purchase
that was given to me was informed by my
impulse purchase. When I spoke to the
sales man, he told me that the discount
would be useful for the purchase of a gift
item for someone or to get a second pair
of shoes for myself. I thought to myself,
what a brilliant idea. My daughter could
use a pair of boots in this cold weather.
Another impulse purchase! If I have done
it once, what are the chances that I will
make another impulse purchase? Yes,
100% chance.