The African onslaught on standards
has been sustained. Our police too soon
realized the folly of fidelity to law as
lawyers and judges had a party with
criminals. They joined the bandwagon,
brokering justice on the streets.
Unchecked imports took its toll on local
manufacturing. The bodies charged with
enforcing standards went to bed the
highest bidder flooding the local market
with counterfeits.
The multinationals, overwhelmed by
the many rats nibbling at their market
moved their production to friendlier
nations. Our industrial area turned into
an industrial grave yard and our Nation,
one big supermarket for Chinese fakes.
One-Man Guitar
Under this onslaught, our formal sector
shrunk and with it went formal jobs!
Going it alone or one-man guitar
became the rave. Even those in formal
jobs started running side hustles.
Ultimately, government; overwhelmed
by youth unemployment also joined the
bandwagon urging self-employment.
Their new rallying call being "Jiajiri", a
Kiswahili word for self employ.
And to realize this far fetched dream,
the government passed affirmative laws
setting aside a portion of government
tenders for the youth with a fund to boot.
For the first time, the Kenyan youth had
the opportunity to eat at the high table
of tenders.