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they needed to be convinced. They needed a spark. They needed to be given a reason to consume. The awareness to adoration journey is a power game that starts from your head, then to your heart and finally ends up walking all over your body. At the initial stages, the customer has the power and the company has to work very hard to convince him. As the relationship progresses, a customer slowly loses that power, and when fully on the other side of the power spectrum, the product won’t go to the customer, but the customer will go looking for it. There is a time Safaricom used to hawk their airtime cards. Now they don’t. What happened? They slowly penetrated into your skin, your heart, and your mind. Now they walk all over your body like Jonnie Walker. My phone is duo SIM. That means I can access Airtel and Safaricom services The awareness to ad- oration journey is a power game that starts from your head, then to your heart and finally ends up walk- ing all over your body. At the initial stages, the customer has the power and the com- pany has to work very hard to convince him. As the relationship progresses, a custom- er slowly loses that power, and when ful- ly on the other side of the power spectrum, the product won’t go to the customer, but the customer will go looking for it. from one handset. For the Airtel line, credit is loaded by my company monthly. Safaricom is my personal line. My Airtel credit runs out way before the month ends but I never actively bother to top up. On the other hand, when my Safaricom credit runs out, I will quickly load it from my Mpesa or walk around shops looking for it. The same way I wouldn’t bother to go looking for Airtel airtime, is the same way Pilsner customers couldn’t go looking for the beer if it wasn’t available in their local pub. If the relationship has not tilted to your favor, customers will not go that extra mile to buy or consume your products. They will only buy when you make it extremely convenient for them. I would be willing to buy Airtel airtime if someone came selling it to me. I would even demand that they scratch and load it for me. Am I mean to Airtel? No. I am just not sold in! At the initial stages of a relationship, the needy must invest. John invested his time and worked hard to impress, Safaricom hawked simcards and airtime. Besides the investment, and doing other right things, companies must also monitor how the relationship is unfolding. Is it plateauing to become a normal friendship, or is it gaining fire to become a hot burning love? John was late to realize that what he was building was a nice cooker and gas, but without ignition. The relationship between Pilsner and its customer had long gone cold. Persuasive selling is a more organized, meaningful, and successful technique to trigger action. Often you will find that no instant decision to action by a customer is possible. Therefore, to ensure progress, get agreement to the next step. Many times, we sell an idea or proposition and it requires action to get things started. If action is required, then we should suggest something we can do to get things started rather than something the customer can do. Let us not leave the customer to be the one to suggest this action. That spark is the key to action. Make it convenient for customers to take that desired action. And if your brand hasn’t reached that adoration threshold, you have to go that extra mile of creating convenience. Airtel customers need convenience. Besides convenience, Pilsner customers and John’s lover, also needed to be nudged, to be excited, to be pleased in order to reignite. So, don’t just sit there. Do something! Herman Githinji is a seasoned marketing practitioner and law graduate from the University Of Nairobi. Currently the CEO Bidco Land O’Lakes Company that makes quality Animal Feeds using American Technology. You can commune with him on this and related issues via email on: [email protected].