MAL 17/17 MAL 17:17 MARKETING AFRICA | Page 55

they finally went to college, they rarely came back to your Bundus. This was your home. Not theirs. The young at heart want to live in the heart of the City where the action is, not in some isolated village. You too had missed your church, college or school. but pure science. Whenever there is a bubble, a burst is sure to follow. Brace yourself for it. What could hold it longer is the fact that most properties were bought or developed with hot money and not loans. Such buyers can bear the heat much longer. You got tired of village life in the city. The cost savings was a mirage. You still paid for security, water, sewerage, garbage and the pain of sitting in traffic daily. If only you could get an apartment in the city at the same price, you would think again. Huraaaaah.! And that’s exactly what has just happened. Otherwise we could have already witnessed what happened in Detroit US, where mortgage holders handed their house keys to banks and walked away. Your Own Prison! Those who went to the Bundus did not spare a coin to build their dream house. They built a Runda V illa in the village only to discover that your house in the village has value for as long as you are the one staying there. Try renting it out or selling it! You will meet those buyers who want the plot and not the house and those who want the house and not the plot. Matching your individual taste to the market is a gigantic task. Moreover, the rental demand is at its lowest. You actually become a prisoner in your own home. You must live there at all costs or it either stays desolate or you rent it out for peanuts. You may as well hire some village wag to stay there for you just to keep it in fair shape. Property is location. Stupid. The Burst It may not be there yet but it is coming. This is not a prophecy What would you do if the house you bought five years ago at 18 million is now selling at 8 million and looks much better than yours while your outstanding mortgage is still 17 million? Evans Majeni is a businessman selling Apple Products in Nairobi and a director at Tahidi Homes Limited. He enjoys stepping on big toes and paying the price. You can reach him via mail on this or related issues at: [email protected].