each day can affect their weight loss dramatically . Instead of feeling sorry for yourself , see yourself in the healthy , beautiful body you ’ ve always dreamed of and believe it is possible for you . If you start by believing it is possible for you to be and feel healthy , then you have done 50 % of the work ! Now that is a great start my friend !
Kick out Sugar from your diet once and for all

‘‘ If you are constantly on processed foods , your liver can become overwhelmed . Remember your liver also helps you burn body fat so if it is kept busy cleaning out toxins , it has no time to get rid of your unwanted fat ! This fact alone should direct you to re-stock your kitchen cabinets and pantry with real food today . ’’

It is no secret that sugar contributes to weight gain and is the number one cause of obesity in the society today . Here are some of the names used on labels that refer to sugar . Corn Sweetener , Corn Syrup , or corn syrup solids , Dehydrated Cane Juice , Dextrin , Dextrose , Fructose , Fruit Juice Concentrate , Glucose , High Fructose Corn Syrup , Lactose , Maltodextrin , Malt syrup , Maltose , Raw sugar , Rice Syrup , Saccharose , Sucrose , Syrup , Treacle , Turbinado Sugar , Xylose . They should all be avoided .
Sugar is also extremely addictive - It brings about feelings of highs and lows in the body similar to what drugs do and the negative side effects are just as bad as drugs , if not worse . You will find sugar in juices , sodas , cereals , bread , pastas , rice , starches and alcohol .
Good news is that for those of us looking for a lean , strong and well defined body , once you stop taking / eating sugar , your addiction quickly disappears ! You realize that if you are on sugar , you are always craving it . When you start limiting your intake of these sugar-containing products , you see a drastic and immediate change in your weight . It ’ s not easy but the results are worth it !
Let ’ s eat real food as opposed to processed food
Real foods - foods in their natural state ( whole ). They contain all the vitamins , minerals , antioxidants and all the great nutrients that help our bodies to function well . We need to eat plenty of vegetables and fruits , water ( best source of minerals ) grass fed lean meats , pastured chicken and eggs , wild caught fish , raw nuts and seeds and plant based foods .
Here is how I look at processed foods - Any food that contains too many ingredients on a label and most of them cannot be pronounced . Please grab your favorite cereal and check the ingredient list .
If you find that you cannot pronounce some of the ingredients ( reminds of chemistry class ) then it ’ s time to ditch it ! These are all chemicals and your body reads / treats them as toxins . You are giving your liver such a hard job in getting rid of these toxins .
If you are constantly on processed foods , your liver can become overwhelmed . Remember your liver also helps you burn body fat so if it is kept busy cleaning out toxins , it has no time to get rid of your unwanted fat ! This fact alone should direct you to re-stock your kitchen cabinets and pantry with real food today .
Ensure you eat regularly ( no skipping meals ) and ensure it is a balanced diet . Your food should contain all the nutrients . Most important to note is that your meals should have protein .
Protein not only fuels your muscles , it also helps stabilize your blood sugar and prevents hunger . So you get the benefit of lean , toned muscles and a great way to not be hungry .
This is one tops my list lately . We have been misled over the years that the less sleep you get the more productive you become … time to burst this myth . It ’ s a high time we redefined success as it is no longer sustainable .
Some of us still define success as working the longest hours without taking any breaks or vacations , sleeping less , responding to emails at midnight or 5am in the morning - in essence the people suffering the most ! We are toppling over from being too busy and poor sleeping habits . Our well-being has to be included in the success equation now !
Sleep can contribute to weight gain , and it ’ s also associated with a lot of lifestyle diseases like depression , heart disease plus many others . Research shows that sleep deprivation lowers not just our attention span , focus and memory ; it also affects our emotional intelligence , self esteem and empathy towards others . Getting eight hours of sleep is vital to optimal health .
Here are some great tips for a better sleep : Avoid electronics ( phones , laptops , TV ) 30-45 minutes before
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