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It was easy for me to come up with my first book in such a short period of time because Rev . Obwanda had advised me to go to my archives and organize my contents . Just like an idiot , I followed every instruction and voila , one of the best books ever written on African soil saw the light of day . I had been speaking for more than seven years by the time I met Rev . Obwanda , so it was very easy for me to put my content together and publish it in the form of a book .
Be Inspired Before You Expire went on to sell more than 10,000 copies in the first 10 months after its publication . This book took me beyond any imaginable limits . Companies that had never seen me invited me to speak to them simply because they read my book or saw its review in the newspaper or on television . Over the years , we have shipped thousands of copies overseas to many countries .
If there is one thing that has taken me beyond limits , it is my writing , but I had not ventured in this direction until Rev . Joseph Obwanda walked into my life . I will be forever grateful to him and his big heart . Honour and respect the people that God sends your way . Do not take them for granted because they could be holding the key to your next breakthrough in life . Treat people right , whether they are big or small , rich or poor , significant or insignificant , because destiny is about people , people and people .
Another dimension of people skills is what you do for others . The way you treat other people says a lot about you as a person . I once learned that when you meet people , they will only remember three things about you ; what you said , how you looked and how you smelt . Upon deep meditation on this statement , I came to the conclusion that the fourth thing people will remember about you is how you made them feel .

‘‘ If you read history , all great men and women were significantly influenced by great books . Louisa May Alcott said that good books are like good friends ; few and chosen , the more select , the more enjoyable . The truth of the matter is that there is no friend as loyal as a book because a book will always be there ; it will never give an excuse no matter what .’’

Maya Angelo said , “ People forget what you told them , people forget what you gave them but people never forget how you made them feel .” My advice to you is simple ; whenever you meet people , make them feel great , even when they are wrong . After reprimanding them , give them back their human dignity . Don ’ t let them leave your presence feeling like dogs ; always save their face . They will love you , respect you and even put their lives down for you .
All great leaders in history knew how to treat people . For example , it is said that Napoleon Bonaparte made it a practice to know every one of his officers by name and to remember where they lived and which battles they had fought with him .
In his leadership book , John Mazwell says a leader finds time to make himself available to people . Learn their names . Tell them how much you appreciate them . Find out how they are doing . Most importantly , listen . Leaders who relate to their people and really connect with them are leaders that people will follow to the end of the earth .
Maxwell adds that when a leader truly has done the work to connect with his people , you can see it in the way the organization functions .
Employees exhibit loyalty and a strong work ethic . The vision of the leader becomes the aspiration of the people . The impact is incredible .
Maxwell remarkably observes “ I believe the bottom line in leadership isn ’ t how far we advance ourselves but how far we advance others . That is achieved by serving others and adding value to their lives . When you add value to people , you lift them up , help them advance , make them a part of something bigger than themselves , and assist them in becoming who they were made to be .”
This is exactly what Rev . Joseph Obwanda did for me . This is exactly what Dr . Ken Blue did for me if you are familiar with my first book , Be Inspired Before You Expire . This is the reason I am so committed to inspiring and empowering others ; as the Bible says , to whom much is given , much is also demanded .
You cannot go beyond limits without becoming a leader in your own right and in your field of endeavour . John Quincy Adams once said , “ If your actions inspire others to dream more , learn more , do more , and become more , you are a leader .”
In his native Jamaican English , the legendary Bob Marley once said , “ My