MAL 13/16 | Page 28

MARKETING EVOLUTION EMBRACE THE CUT By Marion Wakahe T hursday June 23rd 2016 is the day Britons voted to leave the European Union. I’m no financial analyst; it’s impossible for me to predict or have a full understanding of the repercussions of this decision. However, this vote made it abundantly clear that we’re all inherently deeply resistant to change. Soon after the vote, the British pound slumped to a 31 year low against the dollar and 40 billion pounds were wiped off the value of British banks. Businesses with headquarters in the UK that rely on easy access to European markets are considering moving their headquarters. The financial markets have clearly reacted negatively as well. This is just a list of the few things that have happened so far not including the things that will happen. One might argue that all these things are happening because Britons made a wrong decision; there were more apparent advantages than disadvantages of staying in the EU. However as we all know too well even when change is meant for good it’s met with significant resistance and it’s no wonder that there’s more than enough literature on change management with gurus like John Kotter leading the pack. There are several models of dealing with organizational change management so I thought I’d look into what it takes to successfully embrace change as individuals ‘‘ As we all know too well even when change is meant for good it’s met with significant resistance and it’s no wonder that there’s more than enough literature on change management with gurus like John Kotter leading the pack.’’ 26 MAL 13/16 ISSUE especially those working in marketing fields. Much as we’re well aware that the field of marketing is very much affected by change, many of us still find ourselves taken aback by the pace of change that happens; as soon as we learn this it’s old news. Know that a cut will inevitably come There are 2 types of cuts: the complete cut off and pruning. The illustration given in the Bible in the book of John 15:2 probably best describes this. Christ talked of branches that bear no fruit being cut off and branches that do bear fruit being pruned in order to bear even more fruit. Pruning is defined as cutting off dead parts or excessive branches from a tree or a plant. It’s expected that every working professional does their very best to keep abreast of all new knowledge related to their field and where necessary get training for the same. This professional will find himself/ herself frequently pruned by the continuous changes impacting the field of marketing. It means being open to dropping what worked yesterday and picking what works for today.