You just published "School of Ministry" a Young Adult adventure book, could you tell our readers what this book is about?
Most would summarize it as a coming of age story, but I think it’s more than just that. SOM may have started off as such, but as I keep working through the story, it evolved into something much greater. At the heart of it, I’d say it’s an experience of life itself. The main character Ziv, has been through so much. His life has had its ups and downs, and despite that, you get the real sense that he can overcome all the adversity if he just continues to push on. I really wanted Ziv to feel real, so that most people could connect with him and appreciate the taste of victory in his perseverance. Ultimately, the story picks up to a feverish pace with action from chapter to chapter as you try to figure out which decision Ziv will eventually take. Throw in a double love triangle which was essential to soften the main characters as bit, and SOM had blossomed into a franchise that I am very happy and satisfied with.
I have read the book -- and I love it! -- and while reading I was wondering if some aspects of the story are autobiographic or drawn from your own experience. Are they? I think we all can appreciate having struggles in life and enduring them. The feeling of exuberance that flows through you when you overcome obstacles is unmatched by anything you’ve ever experienced. I do admit that the emotional aspects of Ziv’s character came out from some of my own personal experiences; especially with his safe entries. Those barriers of anger, doubt and fear, although not exclusive to me I‘m sure, was something that I struggled with myself. And who doesn’t appreciate a beautiful woman. In this book, Ziv has two to choose from. So yes, I guess I share a few things in common with Ziv. LOL.
What is your most favorite part of the book and why?
I loved writing the Quad sequences. I really tried to create fresh and unique experiences that had never been actualized in any book, ever. It will become a staple for the next books going forward so I wanted to nail them on the first try. Hopefully, everyone else appreciates it. I also loved the fights scene in the Hidden Kingdom. It really felt visceral to me writing it and when I read it again, it made my skin tingle.
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