Making A Difference Newsletter, Issue 2, Volume 19 (June) Issue 1, Volume 20 (February) | Page 15
The conference covered an array of topics such as the benefits of
backyard chickens presented by husband and wife team and
business owners Nicole and Micheal Gram from the Garden Hen. Also
included were inspirational stories from Mrs. Gina Brown who
educated the audience on her trials and tribulations of starting a
pecan orchard. She was followed by Ms. Nell Wheeler, from Metal
Rain Tanks, LLC., who discussed the often over looked benefit of rain
water harvesting.
Dr. Nelson Daniels, specialist for the Prairie View Cooperative
Extension program, discussed the basics of how to develop a business
plan which tied in nicely with Mr. Paul Winski (Horticulture Agent for
Texas A&M AgriLife Extension) as he provided knowledge about the
new and innovative technology within agriculture. The audience was
graced by the vast 14+ years of vegetable growing knowledge of Harris
County Master Gardener Ms. Teresa See as she discussed the many
benefits of establishing a vegetable garden.
Lastly but certainly not least Ms. Cath Conlon from Blackwood
Educational Land Institute, in Hempstead, TX., who provided the
crowd with the brilliant and viable path of her farm and educational
institute as it related to sustainable agriculture and the future.
At the end of the day the
conference provided a melody
of knowledge, solutions,
benefits, and positivity; and
the team hopes to organically
grow it bigger and even better
in 2020.
Special thanks to the
committee members,
volunteers and the 143
participants who signed up
and made this conference a
huge success.
2020 - Ready or not,
here we come!