Make Your Espresso Machine A Better Functioning One Make Your Espresso Machine A Better Functioning On | Page 6
Proper Cleaning Can Do Wonders
Espresso machines often have quite a few parts that require
cleaning to make sure that you are producing a decent shot of
espresso. The seam wand should be cleaned often. Do this by
putting the steam wand into a cup of water and opening its
valve. After 15-30 seconds, close the valve and remove the cup,
wiping the end of the steam wand with a sponge or slightly damp
cleaning rag. Also make sure to remove the basket assembly in
your machine and turn it on to run water through the group head
after every few brews. This is called back flushing and is very
important for home espresso machines. Since commercial
machines are used often they do not require this as much, but
because at home you usually only brew a few coffees in the
morning and it sits unused until the next day, you need to
perform this maintenance task.