Make Money With Paid Online Surveys Guide Surveys online | Page 5

BY SETTING UP A SEPARATE ACCOUNT: You will be better organized. You won’t have any mix-ups between your personal and business E-mails. You won’t miss any survey offers. You will have one stop for all your business needs. We also highly recommend that you organize your survey offers with folders. Create separate “folders” in your e-mail account for each of the survey companies you are registered with. This will enable you to organize and file important information that is e-mailed to you by these companies. Your Internet Service Provider (AOL, EarthLink, Comcast, etc.) should be able to provide you with an additional e-mail address at no extra charge. Or, you can also set-up a free e-mail address at Yahoo, Hotmail, or Gmail. It will only take a few minutes to setup, so we advise you to go to one of the following websites and create an e-mail account to use solely for surveys: