Make Money With Paid Online Surveys Guide Surveys online | Page 12

Sometimes the odds are pretty good and you can win cash, nice electronic equipment, household items, etc. Plus, it’s important to realize that market research companies change their offerings all the time depending on what kind of research and surveys their clients need. A company offering prizes this month might offer a $150 paid survey next month. This is why we highly recommend you register with as many companies as you can regardless of what they are currently offering—you just never know! There’s not a whole lot you can do to influence how lucky you’ll be, but just realize that the prizes are often significant and can really make a difference for you. A FEW MORE IMPORTANT REMINDERS BEFORE YOU GET STARTED…  Some companies will enter you into a contest or sweepstakes when you initially register with them. This is how you build your profile and get started with them. They will often send you “screener” surveys, and then paid surveys will usually follow shortly thereafter. Be sure to check your e-mail often, and act quickly! The companies will often send out more invitations than they need participants, because they know some people won’t respond for one reason or another. But once they have enough people, it might be too late for you.