Make Money With Paid Online Surveys Guide Surveys online | Page 10

YOUR “PROFILE” WHICH DETERMINES THE NUMBER AND TYPE OF OPPORTUNITIES YOU GET When you register with a market research company, you’ll be asked various questions which will make up your personal “profile”. Be honest—this is how they match you up with the profiles desired for particular surveys and focus groups. Some surveys are very general, but others are very specific. For example, a company may want to get the opinions of men between the ages of 25-45 on various types of cologne. If you’re a woman, you won’t be selected to participate in this survey. Provide as much detailed information as you possibly can, in order to give yourself the best chance of getting selected for as many surveys as possible. Always provide real information and your honest opinion. If you are dishonest, then your opinion is worthless to these companies because they want to hear what you think to help better their product or company. Don’t risk not getting any more surveys or getting stuck at the same dollar amount of surveys. This is one of those times when it really does pay to be honest!