Make It Big Using Coupon Based Marketing | Page 3

Since the advent of social media , the first thing that strikes into our minds is hosting coupons there . No doubt , statistics reveal high success rates of social media coupon marketing . Facebook ads can be a good channel to target the right audience . Instagram ’ s business profiles show an insight of your audiencerun ads on Instagram and make a way through the most used photo sharing app !
E-mailers are the best form of communication for any business . They are personal , open and direct . Statistics show that on an average 20 % emails are opened every day globally across various industries . Make the most of email marketing by sending follow up or trigger emails to your database regarding offers , discounts , deals , and coupons .
SMS still gives best recalls . Imagine you getting SMS from airlines service providers saying that they have 80 % off on the next flight you book . At first , you ignore this message . You get the same SMS again . Most importantly , since there is a recall , you will make it a point to visit their website . That is it ! SMS marketing , if pitched in the right manner can prove out to be a gem .
Other Media Channels
As the internet maybe difficult to access in the extreme interiors or far off places in the countries , going offline is a good option as well . Print media like newspapers , periodicals etc . and outdoor advertising have a stronghold in such places . As their expenses are on a lower side when compared to Tier 1 or 2 cities , discounts and coupon marketing works best .
Coupon Marketing Summed Up
Weaving all the dots together , we can say that offers and discounts are not right for every business ! The pre-requisites for a successful coupon marketing campaign are : a clear goal in mind , a firm understanding of the product / brand and the willingness to take risks and experiment . Like the case study mentioned above , when coupon marketing is done in its best form , it can leverage your business by 10x . It is an unsaid goal of any growing business to increase sales , widen the userbase and onboard new customers . Coupon marketing proves to be a golden key to unlock all that your business needs ! With all your marketing efforts for your business in place , it ’ s a good idea to have an all — in- one payment solution in place as well . Now to enjoy the best payment gateway experience and grow your business effortlessly !