Make a Book 2019 - Umami Umami | Page 32

Michael My Favourite Meal is Cottage Pie Mam: Me: What are the ingredients you use? Mince meat less than 5% fat, carrots, onions, peas, spuds, gravy, salt, pepper, parsley. Mam: Me: What do you do first to make it? Put the mince in a pot until it’s brown and cooked thoroughly. Peel the spuds and put them on to boil. Mam: Me: What do you do then? Put in your chopped carrots, onions and gravy. Add a pinch of salt and pepper. Me: How do you put it all together? Mam: Put the mince in a pyrex dish, put the spuds on top and spread them out with a fork. Put a small bit of parsley on top and I like to serve it separately with peas. Me: Do you put in any secret ingredients? Mam: I make it with love! Mam: Me: Who taught you how to make this dish? I found it in a cookbook years ago and I’ve been making it like that ever since.