lenging AP courses: Economics, biology, and especially calculus. As I go through the day, it
honestly feels like I am on an expedition- with my mission to soak up as much knowledge as I
can. My brain is like a sponge. With each class and homework assignment I complete, I feel
the pressure of not only grades and deadlines, but the even more immense pressure of expectations from generations of Russian relatives. Instead of shying away from this pressure, I face it
I aim to live the dream that my parents sacrificed.
I believe that people like my family are prime examples of the American dream- we dedicate our lives to achieving our goals, and work hard to get there. Everyone in America has the
same opportunity to be great- but the ones who stretch for it are the most successful. America
is considered the destination of greatness to so many people, simply because this country offers everybody a fair chance. Anything is possible in America, anything. This, I truly and
wholeheartedly believe.
Claire DeRosa