Maine Motif Issue 1, Vol. II (Fall, 2017) | Page 7
Eastern Division Encores
By Marc Greene, NAfME Eastern Division President
Welcome to what is the first of several columns from your
Eastern Division President. It is the passion for making music
and inspiring others to do so that has landed me in this
challenging, yet rewarding position. My hope is to share with
you, as fellow music educators, a few key ideas and perhaps an
inspiration or two.
During my two years as President-Elect, it became apparent
that there is a limited degree of awareness of the Eastern
Division form and function among the music educators of our
member states. As a result, my main goal in this issue is to “remove the veil” from the
NAfME Division doings. (Yes, I’m in “father-of-the-bride” mode this month!)
What is a NAfME Division?
The governance structure of the National Association for Music Education includes a
National Executive Board consisting of the Presidents of six Divisions representing the
geographical regions of the United States, specifically, Eastern, North Central,
Northwest, Southwest, Southern, and Western.
What is the NAfME Eastern Division?
The Eastern Division consists of thirteen units of the National Association for Music
Education representing Connecticut, Delaware, District of Columbia, Europe, Maine,
Maryland, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Pennsylvania,
Rhode Island and Vermont. Each unit’s President serves as a voting member of the
Division. Additionally, our Division membership elects a leader every two years who
serves for a total of six years; two years each as President-Elect, President, and then
Past-President. Our records show that the Eastern Division was formed in 1917. Happy
100 th Birthday!!!
What does the NAfME Eastern Division do?
There are two primary functions of our Division: