Maine Inland Fishing Laws 2023 | Page 53

If a water is not listed then only General Fishing Laws apply . See inside front cover flap and pages 2-3 .
College Grant West Twp , Greenville ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S- 17 , S-26 . North Brook and South Brook ( Upper Wilson Pond tributaries ) from red markers set at mouth of brook upstream to red markers set at first road , bridge , respectively : Closed to all fishing .
WILSON STREAM , Greenville , Elliottsville Twp , Willimantic ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-1 .
– From Tobey Falls downstream to Sebec Lake : Closed to fishing from August 16 - September 30 .
WILSON STREAM , Monmouth ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-19 .
WILSON STREAM , Wilton ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From the first bridge downstream of Wilson Pond , including the canal , to the third ( Route 156 ) road crossing downstream of Wilson Pond : S-9 , S-19 .
WINDY PITCH POND , T3 R10 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO . The use of motorboats or outboard motors is prohibited . Closed to the taking of live baitfish .
WINNEGANCE POND , West Bath ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Minimum length limit on chain pickerel : 12 inches .
WITCH HOLE POND , Bar Harbor ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : ALO . Fishing restricted to 1 line . Motorboats prohibited . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
WOOD STREAM , Attean Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From Little Big Wood Pond to Big Wood Pond : S-1 . From April 1 - August 15 : S-19 . From August 16 - September 30 : ALO . Total daily bag limit on brook trout , landlocked salmon , and togue : 1 fish .
WOODLAND FLOWAGE , Baileyville ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-33 . No size or bag limit on largemouth bass . International Water ( page A-1 ).
Woodland Dam , Baileyville : The fishway and the area within 75 feet of any part of the fishway are closed to fishing at all times ( Title 12 , subsection 12457 ).
WOODMAN POND AND TRIBUTARIES , Rainbow Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 .
WOODS POND , Bridgton ( South
Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
WORTHLEY POND , Peru ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-2 , S-3 . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
WORTHLEY POND , Poland ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
WOUNDED DEER POND , Prentiss Twp T4 R4 NBKP ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 .
WYMAN LAKE , Caratunk , Carrying Place Twp , Moscow , Pleasant Ridge Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : To red markers north of Caratunk Boat Landing : Open to ice fishing for smelts from the time ice forms in the fall until April 30 . B . S-11 , S-16 .
WYMAN POND , Brighton Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 .
WYTOPITLOCK LAKE , Glenwood Plt , T2 R4 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 .
YOKE PONDS AND TRIBUTARIES , TA R11 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-19 , S-20 .
YORK POND , Eliot ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Motorboats with internal combustion engines prohibited . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
YOUNGS POND , Otis ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 . From October 1 - March 31 : FFO , S-7 .

Fishing Responsibly for Trout During Warm / Low Water Conditions

Maine is well-known for our abundance of coldwater fish populations such as landlocked Atlantic salmon and trout . These coldwater species thrive in cool ( ≤ 68 ° F ), clean , well-oxygenated water . During summers when water levels and flows can be low due to lack of rainfall , water temperatures rise causing additional stress on trout and salmon .
Thanks to Maine ’ s unique hydrography of interconnected streams and lakes , many of these fish will move between flowing and non-flowing waters . This interconnectivity combined with an abundance of deep natural lakes provides vast areas for stream dwelling trout to seek thermal refuge during periods of high stream temperatures .
Anglers are reminded to consider these conditions and take some personal responsibility when fishing for coldwater fish species such as trout and landlocked salmon during warm temperatures or low water levels and flows .
There are a few simple steps you can take to reduce stress on coldwater species , such as trout and landlocked salmon :
� Fish early in the morning when surface water temperatures are cooler
� Limit the time it takes to land your fish , particularly once your fish has entered warmer water . Overplaying a fish can increase stress .
� After hooking a fish , catch and release the fish as quickly as possible if you are not planning to keep it
� If taking a photo , do so fast and keep the fish in the water . Release quickly to avoid keeping fish in warm surface water
Learn more at : mefishwildlife . com / warmwater