Maine Inland Fishing Laws 2023 | Page 46

40 SPECIAL FISHING LAWS If a water is not listed then only General Fishing Laws apply . See inside front cover flap and pages 2-3 .
( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S- 7 .
SANDY ( SAND ) POND , Embden ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 , S- 19 . Motorboats over 10 horsepower prohibited . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SANDY RIVER , Sandy River Plt to Starks ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except :
– From its origin at the outlet of the Sandy River Ponds to the upper ( Route 142 ) bridge in Phillips : ALO , S-19 .
– From the upper ( Route 142 ) bridge in Phillips , downstream to its confluence with the Kennebec River , Starks and Norridgewock : S-19 . From October 1 - October 31 : ALO , S-21 .
SANDY RIVER PONDS , Sandy River Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SAPONAC POND , Burlington , Grand Falls Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : No size or bag limit on largemouth bass .
SAWTELLE DEADWATER , T6 R7 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 .
SAWTELLE POND , T7 R8 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S- 11 .
SAWYER POND , Greenville ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-8 , S-11 , S-19 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SCARBOROUGH WILDLIFE MANAGEMENT AREA , Scarborough ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Motorboats prohibited on that portion of the area upstream of the abandoned railroad right-of-way from March 1 - September 30 .
SCHOODIC BROOK , Cherryfield ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Closed from red marker at its mouth to red marker 1,000 feet upstream .
SCHOODIC LAKE , Brownville , Lake View Plt , T4 R9 NWP ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-2 , S-3 , S-11 , S-19 , S-22 . Daily bag limit on togue : 6 fish ; minimum length limit : 14 inches , only 1 may exceed 23 inches . Minimum length limit on landlocked salmon : 21 inches .
SCHOODIC LAKE , Cherryfield ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-13 . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
SCHOOLHOUSE POND , Avon ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S- 19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SCITUATE POND , York ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Motorboats with internal combustion engines prohibited .
SCOPAN LAKE , T10 & 11 R4 WELS ,
Masardis , Ashland ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-3 , S-11 , S-19 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SCOPAN STREAM , Masardis , Ashland ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - March 31 : ALO , S-7 .
SCRAGGLY LAKE , T5 R1 NBPP , T6 R1 NBPP ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S- 7 .
SCRAGGLY LAKE , T7 R8 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S- 11 , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SEAL COVE POND , Tremont ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Motorboats over 10 horsepower prohibited .
SEBAGO LAKE , AND ALL DIRECT TRIBUTARIES INCLUDING RIVERS , Naples , etc . ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-1 . Minimum length limit on landlocked salmon : 16 inches . No bag limit for togue under 26 inches and no minimum length limit ; only 1 may equal or exceed 26 inches . All trout ( excluding lake trout ) and landlocked salmon caught while ice fishing must be released immediately without removal from the water . Closed to all fishing within 100 feet of White ’ s Bridge .
From October 1 - December 31 : ALO . Togue may be harvested as described above .
From October 1 - March 31 : All trout ( excluding lake trout ) and landlocked salmon caught while open water fishing must be released alive at once . Direct tributaries are closed to fishing , except for the lower reach of the Muddy River south of the Lake House Road and the lower reach of the Sticky River northeast of the Route 114 crossing . Closed to open water fishing is the “ mouth of the Songo River ”, which is the area to the north of a line drawn between Bear Point and Outer Island and then along a line to the north shore .
Portland Water District restrictions : ( 1 ) the portion of Sebago Lake within 3,000 feet of the water intakes in Standish is a " No Trespassing " zone ; and ( 2 ) the area from the " No Trespassing " zone to 2 miles from the water intakes is a " No Bodily Contact " zone and no motor vehicles are allowed on the ice ( motorboats , ATVs , and snowmobiles are allowed ).
SEBAGO LAKE , LITTLE , Gray , Windham ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S- 7 .
SEBASTICOOK RIVER , Harmony to Pittsfield ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From Mainstream Pond downstream to the confluence with the East Branch Sebasticook River in Pittsfield : Open to ice and open water fishing from January 1 - December 31 : S-11 , S-19 .
( Corinna / Hartland to Winslow : See Fish Consumption Advisories on page A-4 ).
SEBASTICOOK RIVER , Pittsfield to Winslow ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except :
– From the confluence with the East Branch Sebasticook River in Pittsfield downstream to the Benton Falls Dam in Benton : Open to open water and ice fishing from January 1 - December 31 : S- 19 . The use of all legal forms of bait , artificial lures , and artificial flies is permitted .
– From the Benton Falls Dam in Benton downstream to the confluence with the Kennebec River in Winslow : ALO ( single hook only ). Open to open water fishing from January 1 - December 31 . Total daily bag limit on trout and landlocked salmon : 2 fish . Minimum length limit on trout and landlocked salmon : 12 inches .
Exception : Anglers under 16 years of age may fish under S-4 from 150 feet downstream of the Benton Falls dam fishway to the confluence of Pattee Pond Brook in Winslow .
( Corinna / Hartland to Winslow : See Fish Consumption Advisories on page A-4 ).
SEBASTICOOK RIVER , EAST BRANCH , Dexter to Detroit ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except :
– From the dam on Little Wassookeag to the downstream side of the Liberty Street Bridge : S- 9 , S-19 .
– From the Liberty Street Bridge downstream to the confluence with the Sebasticook River : S-19 . The use of all legal forms of bait , artificial lures , and artificial flies is permitted . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
( See Fish Consumption Advisories on page A-4 ).
SEBEC LAKE , Bowerbank , Dover-Foxcroft , Sebec , Willimantic ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-2 , S-3 , S-11 , S-22 . Open to ice fishing January 15 - March 15 .
SEBEC RIVER , Sebec , Milo ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 . From the dam at Route 6 in Milo downstream to the Piscataquis River : S-19 .
SEBOEIS LAKE , Lakeview Plt , T4 R9 NWP ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-11 , S-19 , only 1 brook trout may exceed 14 inches . No size or bag limit on largemouth bass . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
SEBOEIS RIVER , T6 R7 WELS to T3 R7 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From the upstream side of the Grand Lake Road bridge to the confluence with the East Branch of the Penobscot River : ALO , S-19 . Only 1 brook trout may exceed 12 inches .
SEBOEIS STREAM , Seboeis Plt to Howland ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 31 : ALO , S-7 .
SEBOEIS STREAM , EAST BRANCH , Cedar Lake Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws for