Maine Inland Fishing Laws 2023 | Page 36

30 SPECIAL FISHING LAWS If a water is not listed then only General Fishing Laws apply . See inside front cover flap and pages 2-3 .
removal from the water .
The following areas are Closed to Ice Fishing ( CI .) and closed to open water fishing from January 1 - March 31 .
- That portion known as Spencer Bay ;
- That portion from the mouth of Tomhegan Stream to a straight line between 2 red markers , 1 set on the small point of land on the north shore of Tomhegan Cove approximately 1 / 2 mile from the mouth of Tomhegan Stream , the other set on the small point of land on the south shore of Tomhegan Cove approximately 3 / 4 mile from the mouth of Tomhegan Stream ;
- That portion from the mouth of Moose Brook to a straight line between 2 red markers , 1 set at the south shore of Moose Brook Cove , the other on the north shore of Moose Brook Cove on a line passing inside the islands in Moose Brook Cove ;
- That portion from the mouth of Socatean Stream to a straight line between 2 red markers , one set on the northerly shore of Socatean Bay at the camp site known as the Ledges , the other set on the westerly shore of Socatean Bay on a line passing just outside Wiggin ’ s Island ;
- That portion from the mouth of Williams Brook in Big W Township to a straight line between 2 red markers , one set on the land of Hermon Brautigan on the south shore of Williams Cove and the other in a northeasterly direction on the opposite shore , Piscataquis County ;
- That portion inside of the red markers located at the mouth of Moose River ;
- That portion of Lily Bay with a west border running in a straight line between 2 red posts , one located on the Lily Bay State Park boundary and the other on Sugar Island to the west of Dollar Island . The east boundary in a straight line between 2 red posts , one located just south of Porcupine Point on Sugar Island and the other on Laker Point near the mouth of Mathews Cove on a line running south of Two-Mile Island .
Open water fishing : Moosehead Lake and Tributaries ( Upstream to red markers or the first rail or road crossing ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-1 , S-11 , S-21 , S-22 . All brook trout between 18 and 22 inches must be released alive at once . No minimum length limit on togue . Daily bag limit on togue : 5 fish ( only 1 togue may be greater than 18 inches ). For additional regulations and exceptions to the above , see entries for the following : Kennebec River , East and West Outlets ; Moose River ; Roach River , Lily Bay Brook and Moose Brook ; and Socatean Stream .
MOOSELEUK LAKE AND OUTLET ABOVE THE DAM ( INCLUDING BLIND BROOK DEADWATER ), T10 R9 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-19 . Only 1 brook trout may exceed 12 inches .
MOOSELEUK STREAM , T10 R9 WELS to T8 R8 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From Mooseleuk Lake Dam in
T10 R9 WELS downstream to the confluence of the Aroostook River in T8 R8 WELS : FFO , S- 19 . Only 1 brook trout may exceed 12 inches . From August 16 - September 30 : Total daily bag limit on brook trout and togue : 1 fish .
MOOSELOOKMEGUNTIC LAKE ( INCLUDES CUPSUPTIC LAKE ), Rangeley , etc . ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-2 , S-3 , S-17 . No size or bag limit on landlocked salmon less than 16 inches . Daily bag limit on salmon over 16 inches : 1 fish .
Mooselookmeguntic Lake regulations apply :
– To Cupsuptic Lake up to the red markers at Little Falls on the Cupsuptic River .
– To the red markers at the confluence of Rangeley River and Kennebago River .
MOPANG LAKE , Devereaux Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-16 , S-33 . Daily bag limit on white perch : 25 fish . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
MOPANG LAKES , 1ST , 2ND , Devereaux Twp , T30 MD BPP ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-33 .
MORRELL POND , T6 & 7 R8 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S- 19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
MORRILL POND , Hartland ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-2 , S-3 , S-11 , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
MOSQUITO POND , Albany Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 . Closed to the taking of live baitfish . From October 1- March 31 : FFO , S-7 .
MOSQUITO POND , The Forks Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
MOULTON POND , Bucksport , Dedham ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply . Motorboats over 10 horsepower prohibited .
MOUNT BLUE POND , Avon ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : B . S-2 , S-3 , S-11 , S-19 . Motorboats with internal combustion engines prohibited . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
MOUNT ZIRCON RESERVOIR , Rumford . Closed to all fishing .
MOUNT ZIRCON RESERVOIR TRIBUTARIES , Rumford , Milton Twp ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-4 .
MOUNTAIN BROOK , T3 R9 NWP ( South Zone ). General fishing laws for Tribal Waters ( page A-3 ) apply to that portion located in Indian Territory . Penobscot Indian Territory .
MOUNTAIN BROOK POND , Bowdoin College Grant West Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO .
MOUNTAIN CATCHER POND , T6 R8 WELS . General fishing laws for Tribal Waters
( page A-3 ) apply , except : CI . S-4 . Daily bag limit on trout : 2 fish ; minimum length limit on brook trout : 10 inches . Penobscot Indian Territory .
MOUNTAIN CATCHER STREAM , T6 R8 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws for Tribal Waters ( page A-3 ) apply to that portion located in Indian Territory . Penobscot Indian Territory .
MOUNTAIN POND , Beaver Cove , Bowdoin College Grant West Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-17 .
MOUNTAIN POND , Rangeley Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-7 .
MOUNTAIN POND , T10 R10 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
MOUNTAIN POND , T8 R14 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . ALO , S-17 .
MOUNTAIN VIEW ( FITZGERALD ) POND , Big Moose Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : A . S-11 , S-19 . From October 1 - November 30 : ALO , S-7 .
MOUNTAIN VIEW ( FITZGERALD ) POND OUTLET DOWNSTREAM TO THE RAILROAD BRIDGE AT MOOSEHEAD LAKE , Big Moose Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-1 , S-11 , S-19 .
MOUNTAIN VIEW POND , TA R11 WELS ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . FFO , S-7 .
MOUNTAINY POND , Dedham ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-17 . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
MOUSAM LAKE , Acton , Shapleigh ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : S-2 , S-3 , No bag limit on togue under 23 inches and no minimum length limit . Daily bag limit on togue greater than 23 inches : 1 fish . From October 1 - December 31 : ALO , S-7 .
MOUSAM RIVER , Shapleigh , Sanford , Kennebunk ( South Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : From the dam at Mousam Lake downstream to red marker located at Roger ' s Park in Kennebunk . Open to open water and ice fishing from January 1 - December 31 : S-19 . The use of all legal forms of bait , artificial lures , and artificial flies is permitted .
( From Number One Pond to Estes Lake , including Number One Pond and Estes Lake : See Fish Consumption Advisories on page A-4 ).
MOXIE BOG ( MOXIE LONG BOG ), Bald Mountain Twp ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-19 . Motorboats prohibited .
MOXIE POND , Bald Mountain Twp , East Moxie Twp , The Forks Plt ( North Zone ). General fishing laws apply , except : CI . S-19 . Open to open water fishing from October 1 -