Maine Inland Fishing Laws 2023 | Page 10



Artificial Lure : Any fishing lure constructed by humans as an imitation or substitute for natural bait or fish forage and includes , but is not limited to artificial flies , spinners , spoons , poppers , plugs , jigs and plastic , rubber or other artificial imitations of natural bait ( Title 12 , § 10001-4 ). An artificial lures only rule prohibits the use of any live , dead or chemically preserved natural or organic bait or food ( Title 12 , § 12655 ).
Baitfish trap : The term " baitfish trap " means a device used to take baitfish fitted with rigid entrance or exit holes and having a volume no greater than 50 cubic feet . ( Title 12 , § 10001-7 ).
Bass : The term “ bass ”, when used alone , includes largemouth and smallmouth .
Brook Trout : The term “ brook trout ” includes brook trout , splake , and Arctic charr ( Sunapee trout and blueback trout ).
Dip Net : A device consisting of a rigid frame filled with netting , firmly attached to a rigid handle and manually operated by a single person ( Title 12 , § 10001-12-A ).
Fly ( Artificial Fly ): A single-pointed hook dressed with feathers , hair , thread , tinsel , or any similar material to which no additional hook , spinner , spoon or similar device is added ( Title 12 , § 10001-26 ).
Fly Fishing : Casting upon water and retrieving in a manner in which the weight of the fly line propels the fly ( Title 12 , § 10001-27 ).
General Fishing Law : General Fishing Law is defined as laws and rules that govern fishing in all water bodies unless there are other more specific regulations listed . More specifically , general law covers any legal terminal gear , daily bag and possession limits , season dates and species . The General Fishing Law provisions are located on the front cover flap .
Hook : A single fish hook constructed with 1 , 2 or 3 points ( Title 12 , § 10001-30 ). See single-baited hook definition .
Ice Fishing : Taking freshwater fish during the ice fishing season through man-made openings in the ice by the use of ice fishing implements . It is unlawful to open water fish in inland waters while positioned on ice ( Title 12 , § 12601 ).
Ice Fishing Implement : Any lawful fishing implement used to take fish through the ice including a trap ( tip-up ), jig stick , rod in hand or handline , except that a person engaged in taking smelts and baitfish may do so in accordance with the laws and rules governing these activities .
Ice Fishing Trap ( Tip-Up ): An ice fishing implement for storing line , designed to be set through the ice and to indicate when something has disturbed the attached bait .
Inland Waters : All waters within the State above the rise and fall of the tide and wholly or partially within the territorial limits of the state ( Title 12 , § 10001-35 ).
Minimum Legal Length : The total length of a fish measured from the tip of the snout to the tip of the tail , with the lobes of the tail squeezed together ( Title 12 , § 12601 ).
Open Water Fishing : Taking freshwater fish during the open water fishing season by means of hook and line in hand , or attached to a rod , or by casting or trolling artificial flies , lures , or baited hooks , provided that the person angling does not take fish through a man-made hole in the ice , from the ice or from any object supported by the ice ( Title 12 , § 12601 ).
Residency Definitions : Resident means a citizen of the United States who is domiciled in this State or a person who is not a citizen of the United States , but has been so domiciled for one year . You will not be considered a resident unless :
• If registered to vote , registered in Maine ;
• If licensed to drive a motor vehicle , applied for a Maine motor vehicle license ;
• If owning a motor vehicle ( s ) located within the State , registered each vehicle in Maine ;
• Complied with State income tax laws ; and
• If a full-time student at a Maine college or university , resides in Maine AND satisfies above requirements .
Nonresident means a person who does not fall within the definition of a resident ( Title 12 , § 10001-53 ).
River Herring ( migratory sea-run ): " River herring " means the same as Alewife or Blueback Herring ( Title 12 , § 6001-37-B .
Salmon : The term “ Salmon ”, when used alone , means the same as landlocked salmon ( Title 12 , § 10001-54 ).
Set Line : A line extending into the water and rigged to catch fish that has one end secured to the shore , or to a fixed or buoyant object , that is not personally attended ( Title 12 , § 10001-56 ).
Single-Baited Hook : A single-baited apparatus designed to catch only one fish at a time ( Title 12 , § 10001-57 ). See Hook definition .
Snagging : To fish by manipulating a hook or hooks in such a manner as to pierce or snag the fish in a part of the body other than the mouth ( Title 12 , § 10001-58 ).
Terminal Gear : Tackle at the end of a line used to catch fish , including baited and unbaited hooks , artificial lures and baits , and artificial flies .
Thoroughfares : Waterways connecting lakes and / or ponds . The general fishing laws governing lakes and ponds also apply to thoroughfares ( includes seasons , bag limits , length limits , etc .)
To Fish : To take , catch , kill , molest or destroy any fish or to attempt to take , catch , kill or molest or destroy any fish ( Title 12 , § 10001-23 ).
Togue : The term “ Togue ” means the same as Lake Trout .
Tributary : A river , stream , or brook flowing directly or indirectly into a lake , pond , or another river , stream , or brook . A lake or great pond shall not be construed to mean tributary . The tributary to a great pond shall not be considered a tributary to the outlet of that great pond ( Title 12 , § 10001-66 ).
Troll : To fish by trailing a line rigged to catch fish behind or in front of a watercraft being propelled by mechanical , wind or manual power ( Title 12 , § 10001-67 ). Note : Tandem flies are allowed when trolling .
Trout : The term “ trout ” when used alone , includes brook trout , brown trout , rainbow trout , Arctic charr ( Sunapee trout and blueback trout ), and splake . ■