$ 96.8M
Total Golf Related Supplies Revenue
The second type of activity captured is the economic value created by golf-related service and manufacturing activity — companies that produce golf equipment , apparel , golf cars , turf or grass seed , and golf accessories , as well as those companies that provide direct golfrelated services like golf car distribution , construction and / or other consulting services .
Total Golf-Related Manufacturers & Service Providers in Maine
General 67
To identify golf-related manufacturers and service providers , NGF utilized our proprietary database of golf businesses in Maine along with input from NAICS codes , the Internal Revenue Service and the U . S . Census . NGF documented 119 companies that identified themselves as being providers of golf products and services in Maine .
Golf Cart Distributors
Development , Supplies & Turf
NGF divided Maine golf companies by the following five categories :
Turf 7
Of the 119 companies , NGF found that the majority of companies are smaller “ mom and pop ” companies that produce a wide assortment of golf accessories and services . Below are a few companies identified during 2024 research .
³ Belted Cow Company , Cumerbland , ME - create unique , American-made belts , flip-flops , canvas totes , etc . that help golfers stand out from the herd .
³ Krouse Sports , Windham , ME - putters handcrafted in Gorham , ME . Made with custom grips , hockey sticks grips , baseball bat grips , etc . ( www . krousesports . com )
³ Booth Golf Design , Lincolnville , ME - Golf Architecture , providing complete design , construction review and consultation services for the development or renovation of golf courses . ( www . boothgolf . com ).
³ Resurrection Golf , Bath , ME - A Golf course ownership and management group , that recently launced RG Experiences , a new division of RG dedicated to golf travel experiences .
³ Pride Golf Tee Company , Guilford , ME - world ’ s largest manufacturer of wooden golf tees , thanks to a state-of-the-art technology that enables the company to produce billions of tees per year . ( https :// www . golftees . com /)
³ Sandbaggers , Scarborough , ME - a golf shoe and sandal manufacturer , servicing 150 + golf faciltiies in the U . S . ( www . hersandbaggers . com )
The Contributions of Golf to the State of Maine | 2023 Impact Report 22