Main Event Music Wedding Bands Just Make Your Wedding Complete | Page 4

Choosing the Right Wedding Bands for Your Wedding Music ⚫ Step One: Contact a Few Wedding Bands ⚫ ⚫ Step Two: Listen to Them and Their Music ⚫ ⚫ Listen to all of the answers that they give you to your questions. Write them all down if you have too in order to remember which band offered what. You can then ask them to play for you. It is not at all uncommon to ask the band to play something that they feel comfortable playing or even to request a song you’re going to want to hear while you’re at the wedding. This is a sample you need to have done. Step Three: Talk it Over ⚫ ⚫ Do not make your decision based off of just one of the wedding bands you’ve talked too. You want to speak with a few different bands to find out what they offer, how they play their music, their specialities, their limits, their prices, etc. All of this information is important to know before you go and choose one band over another. Talk it over with who you’re getting married too. You want to both be on board for hiring the wedding band before you actually hire them. You both need to feel comfortable with them and actually like their music so that also means you both should be present while they speak with you about what they offer and also for the sample performance that they give to you. Step Four: Make Your Decision ⚫ Once you have narrowed it down, it is time for you to make your decision. You want to make sure that you’re choosing the one that you like the best, that has the best music for your taste and also that you feel comfortable with the pricing. Don’t go out on a whim or make a split second decision - really like the wedding band that you choose to play at your wedding.