Eat seasonal! JUNE's best!
Strawberries Peas Broad beans
Chill for an hour or so and Try smashing up raw Try lightly cooking them
serve with cream and peas with some olive oil, and serving in a salad of
meringues and a little salt & pepper and then chopped soft herb like
chopped mint on top, if spreading over bruschetta chervil, parsley, mint,
you like... with some pieces of tarragon & white wine
mozzarella & mint... vinegar & olive oil
for our pea and mint soup recipe & Strawberry summer surprise, see page 42-43.
Brogdale Collections
Sunday 15 JUNE
Bring your family, enjoy the first fruits of the year, have a picnic or have tea from the strawberry tea room.
Brogdale Farm, Faversham.