Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Te | Page 3
Patient Preparation Instructions & the Scanning Process
• The patient is allowed to eat and drink prior to the exam, unless it is a stress MRI. If it is
a stress MRI, the patient is instructed to have no caffeine for 24 hours prior to the exam.
• The patient will be questioned during the reminder call prior to the exam about any type
of metal or implants in his or her body. The patient also will fill out a safety screening
form after arriving at the MRI suite.
• After the screening form is completed and the patient is cleared for the scan, he or she
changes into scrubs or a gown to ensure that no metal is present.
• The patient enters the exam room and lies flat on his or her back.
• The patient is then connected to the ECG machine, and IV access is obtained if contrast
is ordered as part of the test.
• The patient will be given ear protection, as the machine produces loud noises during the
• The patient is then placed in the magnetic field for the duration of the scan.
• The scan lasts 45 to 90 minutes.
• The patient is given breathing instructions throughout the exam.
• The patient must stay awake and be able to follow instructions during the exam.