Choose New Plants Wisely
Plants need to be matched to the environment that they'll live in—the soil, lighting, and other climate conditions. Even the best gardeners probably couldn't make sun-loving plants like daisies thrive in the shade. The good news is many plants aren't too fussy. These are seven of the easiest vegetables to grow in your own yard, plants that don't need too much water, the kinds of plants that work equally well in sunny and shady places, and the vegetables that save you the most money for your effort. You might also consider the plants that grow best together. In general, to choose the right plant for the right place, think of the amount of sunlight the location gets, the soil moisture, and your area's hardiness zone. Tech tools like plant sensors can help optimize your garden as well.
Know When to Plant and Harvest Them
The other things you should know about your new plant friends are how long they will take to grow, how big they will grow, and, if they are vegetables, when you can finally eat them. This chart offers an overview for many vegetables (northern hemisphere-specific). You can also use the Farmer's Almanac to find more information. As for other kinds of plants, you might not need to worry as much. Nurseries tend to stock plants when they're flowering, because that's when they're most appealing, so you can just walk in and buy what you like (and is appropriate for that spot to spruce up your outdoor space).