Magical Moments Magazine vol 1 | Page 64

Your Broom

Dust bunnies, be gone! To get rid of these annoying cling-ons, swish your broom around in warm, soapy water as needed. Another option? Try to zap it with the nozzle on your vacuum, just make sure you clean out the attachment afterwards.

Your Area Rugs

The good news: You don't have to clean these things every single year. Philip Costikyan of Restoration by Costikyan says you should clean 'em every four or five years — or every 10 years if a rug is not walked on much. Over cleaning contributes to wear and tear. But you can treat stains at home with club soda. Stains caused by pets, coffee, orange soda, red wine, and anything with dye or an acid base are the hardest to remove, and the key is to act quickly.

Your Patio Furniture

Before outdoor season begins, wipe down your chairs (minus the cushions) and tables with a mixture of warm water and a squirt of dish detergent. Then hose off the solution with water from your garden hose and let air dry before enjoying.