Magazyn Gdański Magazyn Gdański 2018 04-06 | Page 10

MAGAZYN GDAŃ­SKI SHIP DESIGN AND RESEARCH CENTRE S.A. (CTO) is multidisciplinary research and design centre, well recognized in many countries. CTO performs: • experimental model testing of ships , yachts, offshore structures and other floating or hydro-engineering objects in towing tanks and aerodynamic tunnel. • a wide range of numerical simulations , among which the most important to ship design are local and global stress-strength analysis with fatigue calculations, as well as vibration predictions of hull structure and propulsion system. • cavitation model tests of propellers and rudders . • measuring services in environmental condition (e.g. sea trials ), such as noise emitted into the water by ships, noise level of equipment, local and global vibration , accommodation illumination , shaft power, bollard pull . • fire resistance and smoke-proof tests of doors, windows, shutters, smoke curtains, hatches, firewalls and many other construction. • vibration and multiple / single shock tests of electrical and electronic equipment, as well as monitoring systems, portholes, hatches and doors. • marine equipment certitication . • designing, manufacturing and implementing research equipment such as: wake survey device, dynamometers and research facilities such as: stand for waves tests , cavitation tunnel, aerodynamic tunnel , water or towing tanks. • corrosion resistance tests of materials and structures. 10