Magazines summer cover crop | Page 21

the mid 1990s. They said that at the time, NAICC national board. (He is also a member of the Global questioned whether Servi-Tech employees were Alliance of Independent Crop Consultants.) independent and questioned whether they should join He said years ago, other NAICC members in Mississippi and Arkansas started talking about Palmer the organization. Bontrager was on the board for six years and was Amaranth. president. “I knew what was happening south and east of us, “I think if you’re going to be a professional crop and I knew what consultant, you need was and wasn’t to be in professional working,” Poppert “I think we have a responsibility to not organizations. I think said. “I had my only improve our knowledge, but to have we have a responsibility growers ready for relationships with other crop consultants.” to not only improve that.” our knowledge, but to He added: - Bryan Boroughs have relationships with “When we have Technical Support Agronomist other crop consultants,” those problems, Bontrager said. I don’t have to Green added: “Throughout my whole career, I’ve reinvent the wheel.” always found it valuable to get out of my footprint and The NAICC was founded in 1978. It has more than 700 members in 40 states and several foreign countries. out of my comfort zone and listen to the challenges that other people have.” Boroughs said he got involved with NAICC after The NAICC has a world-wide reach, Bontrager said, Clark Poppert and Orvin Bontrager encouraged him to and includes crop consultants in the U.K. and other join the organization. countries. “I really appreciate the professionalism of the “I probably would have left crop consulting and gone members of the NAICC,” Boroughs said. to something else, thinking this is a young person’s Along with encouraging education and networking, the NAICC represents growers and crop consultants in vocation,” Bontrager said. “Meeting other older consultants that have been doing this has given me a politics and lobbies in Washington D.C. different perspective. If they are continuing with this Boroughs said he thinks it’s important that crop profession, then I could, too. consultants have a voice through the NAICC. “You can do this for the rest of your life.” Orvin Bontrager and Dave Green joined NAICC — Blockchain from page 19 multiple parties. Each party has an identical copy of the spreadsheet. When a new transaction is submitted, each participant on the network receives an update. When you post a transaction to that spreadsheet, each of the participants on the network must agree that the transaction is true or authentic. The participants agree to verify the authenticity and validity of a transaction, and once that transaction is committed to the ledger, it is signed and cannot be changed. “What makes blockchain revolutionary is its ability to allow trade partners to do business with each other, set terms that they agree on, and enforce those terms without having to have a third party (bank/broker, etc.) assuring compliance for each transaction,” said Craig Cunningham, Servi-Tech’s Chief Technology Officer. “Servi-Tech is applying blockchain with processing workflows in our labs which will allow us to provide better tracking and status information for our custom- ers and ensure that processes are done correctly and timely. We also are working on a project to extend this technology all the way to the field in a way that will help producers more easily participate in global trade markets as they evolve.” The Cover Crop Summer 2018 21