Information can be viewed by county, region, or state
By Monica Springer
Communications Specialist
fertilizers, chemicals and what equipment was used to
plant what field and what kind of seed.
The app is a product of SST software. Servi-Tech
Spring is here. This is the time of year when Servi-
has worked with SST closely over the years. There’s
Tech’s 90 agronomists begin their field scouting season.
a free version of the app and a premium version,
Many field observations
which requires an annual
are recorded during
these early field checks
Servi-Tech started using
including planting
the app around four years
population, seed depth,
ago for grid sampling.
weeds and stand counts
Within the last couple of
after the crop has
years, the app’s usability and
capabilities increased, and
This year, that
Servi-Tech started using it
information and more
for crop scouting.
will be recorded and
“As agronomists, it’s
stored in our new Servi-
making us more efficient,”
Tech Maps app that is
Morten said. “SST is really
now available and can
well-equipped for integrating
be downloaded on the
our different products and
app store. Information
services, like ProfilerPlus
recorded in the app will
and aerial imagery, into this
be able to be analyzed
app and make it mesh and
on a company-wide basis.
work well together.”
Information such as emergence rates by seed brand
It will also make communication easier among Servi-
will be able to be compiled by county, region, state,
Tech agronomists, which work in Kansas, Nebraska,
or the company’s entire footprint. “For example, we
Colorado, Texas, Missouri, Oklahoma and Iowa.
get to see if a certain brand of seed has a 70 percent
“Our crop service personnel will be able to see
emergence rate
trends that
verses another
are occurring
brand that has
throughout the
an 85 percent
Midwest,” said
- Mark Morten, Director of Education
Steve Soden,
rate,” said Mark
Morten, Servi-
Chief Crop
Tech’s Director of Education. “That’s something very
Services Officer. “Before this app, agronomists used
valuable that we’ll be able to give back to our growers
to communicate problems and trends by phone, text
that our competitors aren’t able to do.”
or email. With this app, our agronomists will be able
The app will collect information on fields year-round.
to share what they see and learn with each other
That information includes details on weeds, insects,
diseases and crop damage. It also lists the crop
Servi-Tech agronomists now only
condition, growth stage, seed depth, root depth, crop
need an iPad to do scouting operations.
height, and total growing degree days. The app also lists
In the past, laptops
You’re getting peace of mind.