Magazines spring 2018 cover crop smaller | Page 11

ProfilerPlus is a soil moisture probe that can provide you real-time access to your field data, including information on when to irrigate your fields. It is a platform to get intelligence off of a field and into a grower’s hands. Do you know how thirsty your plants are? A new product from Servi-Tech can tell you that and more about your fields. ProfilerPlus is a soil moisture probe that can provide you real-time access to your field data, including information on when to irrigate your fields. It is a platform to get intelligence out of a field and into a grower’s hands. “Using a hand probe throughout the season is still a valid way to get a snapshot of your soil moisture in the field,” said Austin Bontrager, Agronomic Support Specialist for Servi-Tech. “But a remote monitoring system like ProfilerPlus is able to constantly keep an eye on your soil moisture, day and night. ProfilerPlus can give you up to the hour information and even send you an alert if it’s time to turn on the pivot.” Some key benefits include: • Multiple soil moisture locations in each field • Quick and simple installation • Three-year lease with no equipment to own “In this market and with this weather pattern, a grower needs every advantage they can get their hands on,” said Craig Cunningham, Chief Technology Officer. “Without ProfilerPlus, you’re flying with one eye blind.” While other companies have moisture probes on the market, they can be difficult to install and hard to glean data off of. ProfilerPlus solves these problems. “We have improved the technology, added new functions and set a new price point for the industry,” Cunningham said. “Our innovative portal technology brings a new level of insight by allowing you to customize what you need to see for your operation and your field.” Bontrager added: “It’s a whole new system and a whole way of getting that soil moisture reading out of the field and to the grower.” When investing in ProfilerPlus, a grower will also get access to an online portal where their information is stored and can be viewed. A grower can view rain and irrigation events; soil temperature; the soil moisture profile in percent field capacity, inches depleted, and plant available water; and much more. Other key features of ProfilerPlus include: • Open sensor platform that supports future sensor types and uses (wireless rain bucket, pivot location) • Long range wireless technology for flexible sensor placement • Evapo-transpiration, % field capacity, plant available water, and soil moisture depletion all displayed on • Soil moisture data delivered every 30 minutes to the website and mobile app • Integration with CropView (aerial imagery) on Having a soil moisture monitoring system in your field means you know exactly how much water you’re using. The system can catch and alert a grower to — See page 12 P rofiler P lus Page 11