Looking forward to a new year
15-flight plan will help us to identify issues from a
different perspective; not from the ground, but from the
air,” says Steve Soden, chief crop service officer.
He continued: “TheProfiler Plus will also be offering
With 2018 around the corner, Servi-Tech is very excited
two soil stations in a field. This will improve our growers’
for a new year and new beginnings. The Executive
ability to manage water and access to that information
Management Team is thrilled to begin a new year! The
on the stepspro.
com website.
team meets
This information
monthly to track
will be available
progress with
anytime or
hopes of meeting
anywhere and at
goals of various
the touch of our
I sat down
“Lastly, as many
with three of the
of us know, data
members from
the EMT to
is key to our
ask them what
Randy Royle
Greg Ruehle
grower’s success.
excites them
Steve Soden
Chief Laboratory Officer
President & CEO
Chief Crop Service Officer Having a uniform
most about the
upcoming year.
“This year I
platform will give
us the ability to identify issues in an area quicker, while
am very excited to talk about the three areas we will be
at the same time, notify our consultants of the potential
focusing on. Those areas include CropView, TheProfiler
pests that move into an area.
Plus, as well as data management. While we still have
our boots on the ground, CropView, our aerial imagery
“These three areas all work together to help our
consultants have more timely, detailed information to
program, will provide us one more look at a field. The
By Kaci Davignon
Communications Specialist