Year-end Report
A feature article in this issue includes
updates and insights from several
members of the Servi-Tech Executive
Management Team. Highlights include
the status of agronomic services in an age
of new technologies such as CropView,
TheProfiler Plus and Servi-Tech’s own
Sirrus app. With all data from these
services flowing through the
stepspro.com website, growers will enjoy
a more streamlined and efficient system
for collecting and analyzing key field
data. No similar product exists elsewhere
in U.S. agriculture.
Additionally, improvements have been
made this year to the Servi-Tech Labs
(e.g., equipment and facilities). The
Hastings Laboratory has repurposed
By Greg Ruehle
space in our existing building, plus the
President and CEO
addition of a new building next door. In
Dodge City, work spaces were changed
Let me begin by wishing each of you
and updated to fit current sample flow.
a Merry Christmas, as we look toward a
These improvements increase throughput
prosperous New Year!
I am thrilled to announce that the 2018 and efficiency, especially during those
busy crunch times during the fall
Servi-Tech Annual Meeting will enjoy
sampling season.
a new venue – the Hyatt Regency Hotel
As the common stockholders of ST,
in Wichita. The meeting will be held the
these changes are designed with you in
afternoon of March 21, 2018, following
the KFSA Annual Meeting and just before mind – from the sub-distributorship
the CoBank Western Plains Meeting. I am options for CropView that reduce a
excited to co-locate the meeting with two coop’s risk while providing a revenue
outstanding cooperatives. KFSA provides source, to resale opportunities in one of
insurance and risk management services the most cutting-edge technology tools
(TheProfiler Plus), to accessing a modern,
to coops throughout the Midwest, and
cloud-based field scouting app, and
CoBank really needs no introduction to
improved lab throughput for the benefit
the cooperative community.
of our customers and our employees.
I have written this article as the last
Servi-Tech strives to be your one-
addition to the quarter’s publication
stop shop for agronomic, scientific and
– as a complement to several critical
technological services and support.
updates found throughout this issue.
Servi-Tech is also very aware of the
Let me highlight these articles here, and
changes facing coops today, and how
encourage you to read them in their
those changes impact our collective
entirety as you review this issue.
relationship. As we develop new
services for growers, or introduce
cutting-edge tech products that help
improve a farmer’s bottom line, we
are also aware of the role our owners
can play in bringing these products to
the marketplace.
The reasons for changing the Servi-
Tech Annual Meeting are numerous
– improved meeting efficiency by
co-locating with other relevant
industry meetings being at the
top of that list! In January, we will
be announcing an outstanding
speaker to address the importance of
technology in the agronomic space. I
am confident this topic is as relevant
to your coop as it is to ours!
Let me close by pointing toward a
bittersweet article in this issue – the
retirement of Jeff Kugler after more
than 41 years at Servi-Tech and
Servi-Tech Expanded Premium
Services (STEPS). I was quickly and
regularly reminded of the impact
Jeff has had on customers, board
members and staff as we hosted a
large group to recognize his years of
service. Congratulations, Jeff! We
wish you all the best as you enjoy
retirement with family and friends.
I encourage you to take time to
review this issue of The Cover Crop.
Give the articles and insights shared
here your undivided attention, and
make plans to attend the Servi-Tech
Annual Meeting on March 21 in
Wichita. With a cooperative spirit,
we can identify programs that benefit
your coop, Servi-Tech, and our
collective patrons.