Magazine | Page 9

I read about how throughout history the pine beetle has caused all kinds of trouble for forests from Canada to Mexico in this trustworthy article found on the National Park Service website. The most affected area is in the western mountainous parts of Colorado including Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP). the beetles can be found at elevations from sea level to 11,000 feet. Pine beetles may not be uncommon in RMNP, but they still cause lots of forest damage. With about 17 native species invaded in the park there has been a substantial loss of trees. The beetles can be killed with cold temperatures, but the average winter is becoming more warmer each year. The trees have also been weakened by the lack of precipitation. This gives the pine beetles the upper hand. I learned how dangerous the pine beetle can be to our environment and why the trees haven’t been able to kill them off. (Hattie)