Magazine | Page 30

Directors Pravin Prakash Nanthakumar Thamichelvan G ood Evening. I hope you are enjoying the beautiful ambience of the Esplanade - a modern masterpiece to celebrate the arts. More than a director’s address, this is actually a thank you note to many to whom I am forever indebted to for making this journey with Sangae Muzhangu possible - a journey that began in 2003. I thank Mr and Mrs Ramesh and Janaki Selvaraj and Ms Ruby for bringing me into Sangae Muzhangu some ten years back. My sincerest gratitude also goes to all my previous Producers, Co-Directors, Cast and Crew of 2007 and 2011. This is the 4th edition of Sangae Muzhangu that I am involved in, my third as a director, and for this I must thank Mr Ponkumaran Selvam, Miss Priyaa Vasudevan and Mr Gautham Haridass - my producers who entrusted me with the task of bringing the play to live on this splendid stage. To Mr Pravin Prakash, my co-director, thanks for being there with me and for me in this experience. It has been an honour working with you on two Sangae Muzhangu productions as the co-director. To my technical crew, Mr Ruben Victor, Mr Jay Varman, Mr Nachiappan, Mr Nallu Dhinakharan, Miss Aruna Ramasamy and Miss Farzanah Samad, thanks for all the patience and trust you guys had in me in running the behind-the-scenes work for the play. To my cast and crew, I could not have asked for a better cast than what I got this year. You all have made this a wonderful experience for me and I really thank you for giving me the opportunity to work with me. I hope your contribution to theatre continues after this show. I must thank the entire production team, which includes the props, canvassing, ticketing, costumes and welfare for working tirelessly for 6 months to bring us to the Esplanade. A special mention to all the NUSTLS and Sangae Muzhangu Alumni who have continued to contribute to the cause despite their busy work schedules. Lastly, I want to thank my family for making this dream reach fruition. My Mother, my sister Uma and my in-laws for taking care of my son late into the night when I am away for rehearsals. My brother Krishna for being a pillar of strength in the three 28 NUS TAMIL LANGUAGE SOCIETY