Magazine Without Borders | Page 44

Romain Tadiello's opinion : I think that was horrible and I was angry about it. But this event gathered all people who want to defend the freedom of speech, we are united against violence. I saw all the countries which were with us and it's a really good message to show that we want peace and we will fight for our freedom and against violence. Antoine Hennebert's opinion : I found this act by terrorits very sad. Because they didn't just attack Charlie Hebdo, they attacked our freedom of speech. After this terrible act, the French president had a speech and he named a day of solidarity. The day after, at the beginning of the night, my town organized a walk and I went there. At midday, we had a minute of silence in memory of Charlie Hebdo's attacks. The terrorists said that they respected the Coran but Gods in all religions never said that we had to kill people... this is not very intelligent. Magazine Without Borders Issue n°2 44