Magazine Without Borders | Page 31

Keep shared information at a minimum Cyberstalking and identity theft often begins by malicious users identifying the user through identifying information provided by the user himself. It is important to remember that information posted online may be seen by more people than is originally intended. Social networks make it simple to inadvertently share details about oneself (address, phone number, birthday, etc.), so as a precaution, it is best not to input this type of information onto these websites. It is also a common occurrence for users to make the mistake of sharing small bits of information occasionally, and through the use of search engines and some research it is possible to piece these information together to identify the user. As such, avoid sharing personal information and personal history whenever possible. When creating usernames, websites, or e-mail addresses, avoiding using anything that reveals any useful information such as a year of birth. Passwords and PINs should never be shared under any circumstances. Passwords Passwords are often created to keep personal information and property secure.[5] If a password is compromised, it may lead to consequences such as financial theft from online services such as bank accounts. One common way that passwords may be compromised is through repeated guessing. Weak passwords make this process easier, so it is important that passwords be strong. Creating strong passwords is a way of keeping information secure. A strong password may contain the following:[6]  At least 10 characters  Both upper and lower case letters Magazine Without Borders Issue n°2 31