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APRIL FOOLS’ DAY: April Fools' Day or April Fool's Day (sometimes called All Fools' Day) is an annual celebration commemorated on April 1st by playing practical jokes and spreading hoaxes. ... People playing April Fool jokes often expose their prank by shouting "April fools" at the unfortunate victims It’s unclear exactly where the April Fool tradition originated, but some people are more than happy to have the opportunity to play personal pranks on their friends, family members or coworkers. Similar precursor holidays can be found in Rome (the Festival of Hilaria on March 25th) and the medieval Feast of Fools in December. Some also believe that the holiday stems from Pope Gregory XIII’s decision to restore January 1st as New Year’s day on the Gregorian calendar – the Julian calendar that it replaced celebrated New Year’s day on April 1st ● FOOL ● In 1976 a very famous British astronomer told radio listeners that at 9.47 a.m. the earth was going to experience a feeling of less gravity. He said that Jupiter and Pluto would cross and if listeners jumped in the air at exactly 9.47 a.m. they would feel the sensation of having no gravity! Hundreds of listeners phoned the radio to say they had jumped and floated in the air!