Magazine of pronunciation Grande | страница 2


Pronunciation is not easy to teach. In this magazine you will find several activities to teach vowels and consonants to your ESL students. The intention of this magazine is to help those who are learning of teaching pronunciation. Learning a second language is not an easy process, which is why it is important to practice and to learn correctly. This magazine helps you improve your pronunciation by doing activities .


02-03-Activities for -activity #1 and #2

04-05-Activities #3 and #4

06-07-08-Activities #5 and #6

09-10- Activities for consonants-Activity #7 and #8

11-12- Activities#9 and #10

13-14- Activities /# 11 and #12

15-16 Activities /Ɛ/ #13 and /s//w/f//k/ #14

17- Meta cognitive and references.