Magazine of pronunciation Grande | Page 14

Teaching pronunciation consonants: /p/ and /b/


-Papers with words on the them.

-Blank sheet of paper.


1.Each student will be given a word.

2.A paper will be going around and the students have to contribute with a sentence, that gas a logical sequence to the sentence before. They have to form a story using the words.

3. Then the teacher will go sentence by sentence asking which sound the word has.

4.At the ean she will read the whole story and the students will repeat the word when the teacher reads it.

Activity # 12

1. The teacher will hand out papers with words on them. The students will sit in a circle and wait for the blank sheet of paper to get to them.

For example: student A has the word Bear. Student B has the word Pig. Student C has the word backpack and student D has the word skip.

Each student must be creative and write a sentence with each word that has logical sequence with the previous sentence.

2.Next the teacher will go sentence by sentence asking the students which sound the word they have has.

3.The teacher will read the story and the students will repeat after her the words with the sounds studied.